[OpenStack-Infra] A tool for slurping gerrit changes in to bug updates

Zara Zaimeche zara.zaimeche at codethink.co.uk
Thu May 26 10:37:18 UTC 2016

On 25/05/16 18:44, Anita Kuno wrote:
> On 05/25/2016 01:13 PM, Jeremy Stanley wrote:
>> On 2016-05-25 11:43:39 -0500 (-0500), Gregory Haynes wrote:
>> [...]
>>> We are considering making a small project to connect to and read
>>> from the Gerrit event stream and then update our bug tracker.
>> [...]
>>> If we implemented this, would this be something the -infra project
>>> would like to have live upstream? It seems easy enough to make
>>> this generally useful to others with similar requirements.
>>> Any other thoughts/comments that might help :).
>> Please collaborate with the storyboard team on this. I believe the
>> Gerrit integration plan there has always been to have an independent
>> service which consumes the Gerrit event stream and then performs
>> arbitrary callouts (likely over localhost on the storyboard server)
>> to a task tracker API. Your goals seem closely aligned.
> I believe this is the patch that is in progress:
> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/302912/
> I think Zara would welcome help on it if you want to talk to her in
> #storyboard.
> Thanks,
> Anita.
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I'd add to this that I found getting gerrit changes pretty trivial using 
gerritlib (well, my control flow in that WIP is dodgy, but that's more a 
combination of my inexperience and my lack of time). Updating the 
bug/task-tracker from those changes, however, would be different for 
each tracker, so you wouldn't be able to do that part in a generic way. 
Plus, while analyzing the data from the stream could theoretically be 
the same, in practice different data might matter for each tracker, and 
one might be looking for a different regex in the commit message, etc. 
So I think the only part that can be generic will be getting the changes 
from gerrit, and from other comments on this thread, it sounds as though 
people have already covered that.

Best Wishes,


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