[OpenStack-Infra] [openstack-dev] [infra][stackalytics] some projects not visible in stackalytics now

James E. Blair corvus at inaugust.com
Mon Jan 11 16:54:09 UTC 2016

Ilya Shakhat <ishakhat at mirantis.com> writes:

> Hi everyone!
> It appears that Stackalytics host is banned by review.openstack.org. It
> gets "Received disconnect from 2001:4800:7818:102:be76:4eff:fe05:9b12: 7:
> Too many concurrent connections" while attempting to execute "gerrit"
> command. As consequence Stackalytics fails to retrieve list of projects (so
> only those from governance list are visible), and all review stats is not
> updated.
> Infra folks, could you please check at Gerrit side that my hypothesis is
> valid? is there anything to be done in Stackalytics to reduce the load on
> review.o.o?


This may be related to the gerrit upgrade, or it may be a coincidence.

It looks like stackalytics.openstack.org _and_ stackalytics.org are both
showing the same behavior.  Gerrit sees 64 open connections from each of
them, most of which have been idle for many hours or days.  It seems
like there may be a problem with connections not being closed properly.

Incidentally, at this point, the REST API should be complete enough that
if you wanted to switch to it rather than ssh, it should be possible.
However, I understand if that's something you might not want to do right

> PS.
> project list will be fixed soon by https://review.openstack.org/#/c/265730/

Please don't have Stackalytics use github for anything -- there should
be no reason to do so -- let's correct the connection problems above
before introducing a dependency on another service.



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