[OpenStack-Infra] [zuulv3] Zookeeper on CentOS 7

Ian Wienand iwienand at redhat.com
Wed Dec 7 05:05:32 UTC 2016

(I know this isn't the greatest place to discuss packaging, but this
seems like somewhere we can get interested people together)

After first looking a year ago (!) I've gone back to have another poke
at Zookeeper on CentOS 7 packages.  This is going to be required for

As you can see from an attempted build-log [1] there are a bunch of
requirements.  Some of these are more problematic than others.  The
following etherpad has a range of info, but here's where I think we
need to go:


1) netty is a hard requirement; ZK can't work without it.  This seems
   to be rather bad news, because the dependency chain here is long.
   At [1], I have attempted builds of netty's dependencies; as you can
   see they have some extensive requirements of their own.

   This may actually be quite a bit to untangle, and I think we need
   to focus the discussion firstly on if this can actually be done.
   Without netty, I don't see there's anything further to do.  I have
   filed [2].

1a) I'm not clear on what exactly objectweb-pom brings, but it's a
    build-dependency for >F21.  I have filed [3].  It may be a hard
    dependency, but it does currently build at least.

2) Ivy is a dependency manager and ivy-local is part of the Fedora
   java packaging infrastructure.  We are not going to get that
   backported.  However, it seems that we could modify the build to
   not use ivy, but hack in dependencies manually [4]

3) checkstyle, jdiff, jtoaster all seem to be related to parts of the
   build we can skip such as test-suites, documentation and contrib
   tools.  I *think* that just means we cut bits out of build.xml

tl;dr -- this is a nightmare really; but if netty and it's
dependencies are where to start.

HOWEVER there is another option.  Take the whole upsteram release and
shoe-horn it into an RPM.  Luckily I searched because someone already
did that [5] and with a bit of tweaking we can build a package in COPR
[6].  If you're interested, give it a try and we can iterate on any

Now it's not really "packaged" as such, and obviously not going to be
officially distributed ... but maybe this will do?


[1] https://copr-be.cloud.fedoraproject.org/results/ggillies/rdo-newton-extras/epel-7-x86_64/00484851-zookeeper/root.log.gz
[2] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1402199
[3] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1402195
[4] https://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/java-devel/2015-November/005705.html
[5] https://github.com/id/zookeeper-el7-rpm/
[6] https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/iwienand/zookeeper-el7

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