[OpenStack-Infra] Infra team summit sessions scheduled
Elizabeth K. Joseph
lyz at princessleia.com
Sat Apr 16 02:01:55 UTC 2016
On Thu, Apr 14, 2016 at 9:19 PM, Jeremy Stanley <fungi at yuggoth.org> wrote:
> After much obsessing, I have our session schedule as finalized as I
> can. Here's the basic summary [in Austin-local CDT (UTC-05:00)]:
> Wednesday:
> 09:00-09:40 fishbowl "Community Task-Tracking" (MR 400)
> conflicts: ansible, refstack, docs
> 11:50-12:30 work session "Landing Page for Contributors" (MR 416A)
> conflicts: ironic, nova(ci), ansible, docs
> 13:50-14:30 work session "Launch-Node, Ansible and Puppet" (MR 416A)
> conflicts: ironic, oslo, puppet
> 15:30-16:10 fishbowl "Wiki Upgrades" (MR 400)
> conflicts: oslo, qa(ci)
> Thursday:
> 09:00-09:40 work session "Proposal Jobs" (MR 416A)
> conflicts: ansible, oslo, solum, neutron(mtu)
> 09:50-10:30 work session "Robustify Ansible-Puppet" (MR 416A)
> conflicts: ansible, defcore, docs(contrib guide)
> 11:00-11:40 fishbowl "OpenID/SSO for Community Systems" (MR 400)
> conflicts: ansible, oslo, docs
> 16:10-16:50 fishbowl "Distro Upgrade Plans" (MR 400)
> conflicts: osc, oslo, solum, tripleo
> Friday:
> Infra/QA sprints (MR 404 and elsewhere)
> You can also browse it at:
> <URL: https://www.openstack.org/summit/austin-2016/summit-schedule/global-search?t=Infrastructure%3A >
> I'll start putting together the linked Etherpads next week unless
> some of you beat me to it.
Thanks fungi! All of the Etherpads have now been created, I pretty
much just copied over data from the brainstorming Etherpad so we know
who the proposer/leader of each session. Please feel free to add other
details that may be valuable for us to browse before the summit (or,
you know, 5 minutes before the session as we're settling in ;)).
Elizabeth Krumbach Joseph || Lyz || pleia2
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