[OpenStack-Infra] zuul for non-openstack project
Basavaraj Karadakal
bkrdkl at juniper.net
Fri Sep 25 16:30:35 UTC 2015
Thank you all for the response. I will try your suggestions.
On 9/25/15, 6:12 AM, "Antoine Musso" <hashar at free.fr> wrote:
>Le 25/09/2015 02:15, Basavaraj Karadakal a écrit :
>> Greetings,
>> I work for Juniper networks. I work for a project where we use gerrit
>> for code review and are planning to implement CI pipeline. I came
>> across zuul and am impressed by the functionality zuul has for CI . I
>> want to explore using zuul for our CI pipelines. I went through the docs
>> on the web to setup CI
>> infrastructure
>>http://docs.openstack.org/infra/system-config/running-your-own.html .
>> The documents seem to be geared towards establishing a CI infrastructure
>> to work for a openstack project (no surprise there ).
>> I see most of the deployment has to be done using puppet and customize
>> it to our needs. I am in process of getting compute resources internally
>> to do a test deploy. I am a puppet novice, and might take some time to
>> get it all working. The config files themselves are very well documented
>> and was thinking I can get a test setup running with out having to
>> deploy using puppet. Is there any information to how to get the setup
>> running with out puppet ? Any help / information is greatly
>Hello Basavaraj,
>I have adopted Zuul for the Wikimedia CI infrastructure. There are lot
>of connections and softwares involved so I would recommend to start with
>a very limited scope:
>- one Jenkins master and a single permanent slave
>- a single Zuul merger process
>- pick one Gerrit repo
>- one job triggering on patchset creation
>The archiecture is roughly:
> Zuul scheduler
> + forks an Embeded Gearman server
> Zuul merger
> Connect to the Gearman server.
> Jenkins with the Gearman Plugin
> Connect to the Gearman server.
>The Zuul scheduler listen for Gerrit events using 'stream-event', so you
>need a user that has ssh access and appropriate permission. You will
>have to manually accept the Gerrit ssh fingerprint.
>You probably want to enable a lot of debug log to assist.
>If it can help, I wrote a thin python script to query the gearman server
>for workers and status of functions:
> zuul-gearman.py --server status
> # List all functions
> zuul-gearman.py --server workers
> # List Jenkins executors registered as Gearman functions and the
> # list of jobs they can run
>Zuul has a specific internal job 'noop' that doesnt trigger any merge
>nor any job in Gearman. That might help to tweak the layout file and do
>the initial Zuul scheduler setup.
>As others pointed out, online doc is at:
> http://docs.openstack.org/infra/zuul/
>Antoine "hashar" Musso
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