[OpenStack-Infra] Better Corporate CLA management

Stefano Maffulli stefano at openstack.org
Fri Mar 13 00:41:13 UTC 2015

hello folks,

We would like to provide a greater degree of freedom to individuals who
contribute on behalf of corporations who signed the Corporate CLA. By
allowing corporate managers to maintain list of their authorized
contributors we may be able to remove the need for every individual to
sign an iCLA. 

Currently, corporate managers sign the CCLA on echosign and provide a
list of approved contributors on the "Schedule A". That list is kept
only as an archived 'paperwork' since it's not machine readable. OTOH to
make sure that we have a track of who is authorized to commit code, we
require every individual to sign the iCLA whether their name is in a
Schedule A or not. This has been confusing a lot of people, creates
unnecessary manual work and duplication of information.

How would the infra team suggest we tackle this problem?


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