[OpenStack-Infra] Your Gerrit Account has been temporarily disabled
Auld, Will
will.auld at intel.com
Thu Jun 4 21:07:21 UTC 2015
Hi Anita,
I am just figuring out how to use Gerrit..., the whole tool chain really. In the past I was trying to use the tool chain from windows but the docs I was using had missing pieces so I decided to first figure it out with Linux. Yesterday, I made a lot of progress along those lines and was able to submit some changes to the sandbox system successfully. Today, I was doing some defcore reviews which seemed to work OK, though I still feel like I don't know what I am doing. The review work is through the web interface while the sandbox submissions were through an Ubuntu guest VM.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Anita Kuno [mailto:anteaya at anteaya.info]
> Sent: Thursday, June 04, 2015 12:15 PM
> To: Znoinski, Waldemar
> Cc: openstack-infra at lists.openstack.org
> Subject: [OpenStack-Infra] Your Gerrit Account has been temporarily disabled
> Hi:
> We had an issue today with Gerrit being unable to broadcast stream events due
> to stuck threads. we were having issues with this in the past but they cleared up
> after we discovered that one of our third party ci operators had a script running
> to keep ssh connections open. Today was the first time since we had the third
> party ci operator turn off there script that we had an issue.
> Jeremy looked and discovered that there were a number of threads associated
> with your personal gerrit account and in an attempt to get things moving again
> disabled your personal gerrit account.
> Were you running any script or automated tool to do with ssh connections out
> of your personal gerrit account? Can you think of anything unusual that might be
> associated with your account? We are interested to hear from you.
> Once we get this cleared up we will re-enable your account. It is entirely possible
> you did something you consider harmless and gerrit responded unexpectedly.
> We appreciate your help.
> Also as a note, if testing anything that pertains to a ci system, that activity is
> best done via a ci account, not a personal gerrit account.
> Thanks,
> Anita.
> http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/irclogs/%23openstack-infra/%23openstack-
> infra.2015-06-04.log.html#t2015-06-04T18:24:26
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