[OpenStack-Infra] Jenkins (juno) job failures

Ian Wienand iwienand at redhat.com
Mon Jan 12 23:51:49 UTC 2015

On 01/12/2015 03:39 PM, Bharat Kumar wrote:
> Found same error in all log files:

My first port-of-call when something like this happens is to search
launchpad for that error, in quotes [1].  Picking out the openstack
bugs, I believe you've hit [2].  So fixes are forthcoming...

If still nothing comes up, my second port-of-call for such issues
would be to go to logstash.openstack.org and see how wide-spread the
issue is.  That usually gives me a hint -- if it's affecting other
changes I'll usually do a bit of a search through gerrit to see if
there's pending reviews.  Depending on the time, a quick question in
#openstack-infra will also usually find someone who knows of the



[1] https://launchpad.net/+search?field.text=%22signature+not+provided%22
[2] https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/1408987

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