[OpenStack-Infra] Cloudwatt Spamming: Fwd: Jenkins build is back to normal : iaas-cw_console_master-test #2

Yves-Gwenaël Bourhis yves-gwenael.bourhis at cloudwatt.com
Fri Jul 25 15:14:50 UTC 2014

Le 25/07/2014 16:07, Anita Kuno a écrit :
> On 07/25/2014 07:13 AM, Sean Dague wrote:
>> Cloudwatt seems to have some jenkins environment up and is spamming a
>> ton of people with Jenkins messages.
>> There is no contact info that looks real here, so I don't know how to
>> direct connect them. Can anyone in infra / 3rd party testing reach out
>> to them?
>> 	-Sean
> Replying to put this in the next poster's email inbox.
> Anita.

Hi all, sorry for the Jenkins Spam, it was my fault.

So to prevent the same thing to happen to others who would be setting up
a new Jenkins Job, I will explain how to reproduce my mistake so that
others "do not" reproduce it :-)

In Cloudwatt, we have our own fork of horizon (in fact it's horizon with
our own CSS theme, some django-cms panel added on the side, plus the
patches me and my team submitted in horizon which are not yet merged
(because they are still in review)), and we continuously sync with upstream.

I added a Jenkins Job to automate unittests to have our own CI.
I configured the Job to send a notification e-mail to individuals who
have committed changes which lead to a broken build, so that people of
my team who introduce a bug get notified.

Now what happened: Our "master" branch was not already synced with
horizon's upstream version, and if you pull a horizon version which is
more than 5 days old you'll notice that dependencies pulled by
"(test-)requirements.txt" will make unittests fail (horizon has had
recent updates to fix this).

When you create a new Job in Jenkins, it seems like all the commits are
considered by Jenkins as new commits for this  particular job, and this
means that our Jenkins thought "all" the commits in horizon history
introduced a failing test... and Jenkins has sent an email... to all
horizon contributers in history!

As soon as the branch I was testing the upstream merge was committed in
our master branch (to fix tests), another mail was sent... to the whole
This happened because Jenkins saw all commits...(Mummy, I'm famous now,
I accidentally spamed the whole OpenStack community...)

To fix this, I removed the Jenkins option to send a mail to all people
who committed changes, but only to my team.

Also, if you test a merge in a branch, then commit this merge in master
with '-ff-only' (to prevent another merge commit), well then... Jenkins
sees ALL the commits as new... not only the first merge commit.

So please all accept my apologies for this... I really feel stupid about

Yves-Gwenaël Bourhis

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