[OpenStack-Infra] Savanna at pypi
Sergey Lukjanov
slukjanov at mirantis.com
Tue Jul 16 19:59:24 UTC 2013
Are there any thoughts about why incorrect version has been generated in jenkins? Maybe jenkins jobs for this tag should be just restarted…
Thank you!
Sincerely yours,
Sergey Lukjanov
Savanna Technical Lead
Mirantis Inc.
On Jul 16, 2013, at 2:30, Sergey Lukjanov <slukjanov at mirantis.com> wrote:
> It's very strange that incorrect version has been generated…
> It works correct for me:
> [/tmp] ➜ git clone https://github.com/stackforge/savanna-dashboard.git [2:28:02]
> Cloning into 'savanna-dashboard'...
> remote: Counting objects: 1083, done.
> remote: Compressing objects: 100% (455/455), done.
> remote: Total 1083 (delta 803), reused 876 (delta 620)
> Receiving objects: 100% (1083/1083), 185.39 KiB | 175.00 KiB/s, done.
> Resolving deltas: 100% (803/803), done.
> [/tmp] ➜ cd savanna-dashboard [2:28:10]
> [/tmp/savanna-dashboard] ➜ git checkout dbb57b098ad793c19d3544517377730d76e85b96 [master] [2:28:13]
> Note: checking out 'dbb57b098ad793c19d3544517377730d76e85b96'.
> You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
> changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
> state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.
> If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
> do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example:
> git checkout -b new_branch_name
> HEAD is now at dbb57b0... Project name fixed
> [/tmp/savanna-dashboard] ➜ python setup.py sdist [dbb57b0] [2:28:29]
> running sdist
> running egg_info
> creating savanna_dashboard.egg-info
> writing savanna_dashboard.egg-info/PKG-INFO
> writing top-level names to savanna_dashboard.egg-info/top_level.txt
> writing dependency_links to savanna_dashboard.egg-info/dependency_links.txt
> writing manifest file 'savanna_dashboard.egg-info/SOURCES.txt'
> writing manifest file 'savanna_dashboard.egg-info/SOURCES.txt'
> warning: LocalSDist: standard file not found: should have one of README, README.rst, README.txt
> running check
> creating savanna-dashboard-0.2
> ...
> hard linking tools/test-requires -> savanna-dashboard-0.2/tools
> copying setup.cfg -> savanna-dashboard-0.2
> Writing savanna-dashboard-0.2/setup.cfg
> creating dist
> Creating tar archive
> removing 'savanna-dashboard-0.2' (and everything under it)
> [/tmp/savanna-dashboard] ➜ ls -la dist [dbb57b0] [2:28:40]
> total 88
> drwxr-xr-x 3 frostman wheel 102 Jul 16 02:28 .
> drwxr-xr-x 16 frostman wheel 544 Jul 16 02:28 ..
> -rw-r--r-- 1 frostman wheel 41463 Jul 16 02:28 savanna-dashboard-0.2.tar.gz
> Sincerely yours,
> Sergey Lukjanov
> Savanna Technical Lead
> Mirantis Inc.
> On Jul 15, 2013, at 23:52, Sergey Lukjanov <slukjanov at mirantis.com> wrote:
>> I fix project name and push new tag, but now incorrect version has been generated for tarball :(
>> https://jenkins.openstack.org/job/savanna-dashboard-tarball/7/
>> But head is correct… HEAD is now at dbb57b0 Project name fixed
>> https://github.com/stackforge/savanna-dashboard/commit/dbb57b0
>> Sincerely yours,
>> Sergey Lukjanov
>> Savanna Technical Lead
>> Mirantis Inc.
>> On Jul 15, 2013, at 23:35, Monty Taylor <mordred at inaugust.com> wrote:
>>> Done.
>>> On 07/15/2013 03:15 PM, Sergey Lukjanov wrote:
>>>> Thank you!
>>>> I have no permissions to delete reference :( Could you, please, remove tag?
>>>> ➜ git push gerrit :refs/tags/0.2
>>>> remote: Processing changes: refs: 1, done
>>>> To ssh://slukjanov@review.openstack.org:29418/stackforge/savanna-dashboard.git
>>>> ! [remote rejected] 0.2 (can not delete references)
>>>> error: failed to push some refs to 'ssh://slukjanov@review.openstack.org:29418/stackforge/savanna-dashboard.git'
>>>> Sincerely yours,
>>>> Sergey Lukjanov
>>>> Savanna Technical Lead
>>>> Mirantis Inc.
>>>> On Jul 15, 2013, at 20:46, Monty Taylor <mordred at inaugust.com> wrote:
>>>>> I've made the pypi project, so releasing will work now.
>>>>> To delete and re-create the tag (should be done only in rare
>>>>> circumstances such as this)
>>>>> Do:
>>>>> git tag -d 0.2
>>>>> git push gerrit :refs/tags/0.2
>>>>> git tag -s 0.2
>>>>> git push gerrit 0.2
>>>>> On 07/15/2013 11:57 AM, Sergey Lukjanov wrote:
>>>>>> Savanna hosted in OpenStack pypi account, so, I have no access to it. The version tag has been already pushed to the repo, is it ok to commit correct project name and repush tag?
>>>>>> Thank you!
>>>>>> P.S. I'm planning to move Savanna to pbr asap after this release :)
>>>>>> Sincerely yours,
>>>>>> Sergey Lukjanov
>>>>>> Savanna Technical Lead
>>>>>> Mirantis Inc.
>>>>>> On Jul 15, 2013, at 19:34, Monty Taylor <mordred at inaugust.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> Yes. Three things:
>>>>>>> a) change project='savannadashboard' in your setup.py to
>>>>>>> project='savanna-dashboard' (and then later we should pbr you)
>>>>>>> b) run "python setup.py register" to register the project on pypi
>>>>>>> c) go to pypi, log in, and add 'openstackci' as an owner of the project
>>>>>>> At that point, releases should work.
>>>>>>> On 07/15/2013 11:11 AM, Rafael Folco wrote:
>>>>>>>> Tarball name is different from what you have in the repo... not sure the
>>>>>>>> reason though.
>>>>>>>> I see a tarball without "-" at
>>>>>>>> http://tarballs.openstack.org/savanna-dashboard/savannadashboard-0.2.tar.gz...
>>>>>>>> and curl is trying to retrieve with savanna-dashboard (with "-")
>>>>>>>> curl --fail -o savanna-dashboard-0.2.tar.gz http://tarballs.openstack.org/savanna-dashboard/savanna-dashboard-0.2.tar....gz <http://tarballs.openstack.org/savanna-dashboard/savanna-dashboard-0.2.tar...gz>
>>>>>>>> On Mon, Jul 15, 2013 at 11:54 AM, Sergey Lukjanov
>>>>>>>> <slukjanov at mirantis.com <mailto:slukjanov at mirantis.com>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Infra team,
>>>>>>>> today we released Savanna 0.2 version, but there are some problems
>>>>>>>> with uploading savanna-dashboard to pypi.
>>>>>>>> savanna-dashboard isn't uploaded to pypi at all :( It looks like
>>>>>>>> that it's no project create for it -
>>>>>>>> https://jenkins.openstack.org/job/savanna-dashboard-pypi-upload/1/console
>>>>>>>> Could you please help us?
>>>>>>>> Thank you.
>>>>>>>> Sincerely yours,
>>>>>>>> Sergey Lukjanov
>>>>>>>> Savanna Technical Lead
>>>>>>>> Mirantis Inc.
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