[Openstack-i18n] Ironic's .po files contain only blank msgstr's

Devananda van der Veen devananda.vdv at gmail.com
Fri Mar 28 20:43:01 UTC 2014

Hi all,

I recently noticed that none of the ironic/locale/*/LC_MESSAGES/ironic.po
files contain any translated strings, even though Jenkins is routinely
proposing updates. I looked a bit further into this, with a few pointers
from Clark, and it seems that the jenkins translation job is erroring out.
It claims there's a duplicate message, but I haven't been able to figure
out why. I've filed a bug here:


For quick reference, here's a link to the errors that we think are the
cause of this issue:


Then, today, I noticed that the same error also shows up in Nova and
Ceilometer's recent jobs. Here's an example from Nova.


I could use some help figuring this out. Since folks have been translating
strings for Ironic, I'd really like to be able to include that work in our
Icehouse release :)

Thanks much,
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