[OpenStack-docs] Help with a git problem?
Bernd Bausch
berndbausch at gmail.com
Mon Mar 6 12:10:58 UTC 2017
I consistently forget to make my own branch. Too eager to start making the
change, perhaps :). Meanwhile I solved my problem by cloning the whole docs
again. And of course, I didn't create a branch. I'll learn.
Thanks both for the suggestions, and for the documentation. Some time ago I
read the GIT book, but not having any experience coding in a team, not all
concepts were too clear to me. Let me try to re-read it and to use the other
documentation pointers.
-----Original Message-----
From: Adam Spiers [mailto:aspiers at suse.com]
Sent: Monday, March 6, 2017 8:28 PM
To: Bernd Bausch <berndbausch at gmail.com>
Cc: Andreas Jaeger <aj at suse.com>; openstack-docs at lists.openstack.org
Subject: Re: [OpenStack-docs] Help with a git problem?
Andreas Jaeger <aj at suse.com> wrote:
>On 2017-03-06 07:10, Bernd Bausch wrote:
>> Rather than cloning the entire OpenStack docs repo again, I thought I
>> would follow the instructions[1], went to the local copy I cloned a
>> few weeks ago and issued the commands below - which ultimately failed:
>> [bbausch at ceres openstack-manuals]$ git remote update Fetching origin
>> remote: Counting objects: 4911, done.
>> remote: Compressing objects: 100% (1577/1577), done.
>> remote: Total 3727 (delta 2581), reused 2715 (delta 1648) Receiving
>> objects: 100% (3727/3727), 5.16 MiB | 625.00 KiB/s, done.
>> Resolving deltas: 100% (2581/2581), completed with 351 local objects.
>> From https://git.openstack.org/openstack/openstack-manuals
>> c251097..e6f7e32 master -> origin/master
>> a7ac312..b5ba71b stable/mitaka -> origin/stable/mitaka
>> 306f430..0940625 stable/newton -> origin/stable/newton Fetching
>> gerrit From
>> ssh://review.openstack.org:29418/openstack/openstack-manuals
>> c251097..e6f7e32 master -> gerrit/master
>> a7ac312..b5ba71b stable/mitaka -> gerrit/stable/mitaka
>> 306f430..0940625 stable/newton -> gerrit/stable/newton
>> This looks good!
>> [bbausch at ceres openstack-manuals]$ git checkout master Already on
>> 'master'
>> Your branch and 'origin/master' have diverged, and have 1 and 434
>> different commits each, respectively.
>> (use "git pull" to merge the remote branch into yours)
>> Yes, the instructions do talk about doing a pull.
>> [bbausch at ceres openstack-manuals]$ git pull --ff-only origin master
>> remote: Counting objects: 24, done.
>> remote: Compressing objects: 100% (11/11), done.
>> remote: Total 13 (delta 11), reused 3 (delta 2) Unpacking objects:
>> 100% (13/13), done.
>> From https://git.openstack.org/openstack/openstack-manuals
>> * branch master -> FETCH_HEAD
>> e6f7e32..d7ad707 master -> origin/master
>> fatal: Not possible to fast-forward, aborting.
>> That's an error, right? Unfortunately, it doesn't tell me what's wrong.
>> Admittedly, to me Git continues to be black magic. All I can do is
>> copy-paste magical incantations. Without access to a fellow shaman, I
>> am stuck if they don't work.
Well, the internet is full of fantastic documentation, tutorials, videos
etc. on git, so there is a way to address this ;-) I can highly recommend
everything linked from here:
>> Apart from just cloning the whole 700MB or so of openstack-docs, are
>> there any suggestions how to tackle this error?
>> This is not a showstopper, but would be nice to know.
>Run "git reset --hard origin/master" to get your tree in sync with the
>remote one. That's a last resort one ;)
Right - but be aware that this could lose some of your local-only changes.
To avoid that you could first save the commit which master is pointing to as
a new branch head:
git branch mytopic master
This is effectively taking a copy of the state of the master branch into a
new branch called "mytopic" so that you are then free to safely reset master
to origin/master which is the latest upstream.
>"git status" afterwards should be fine.
>In general: If you send patches, it's best to do them on a separate
>branch for the gerrit workflow. Then you should never run into these
>git checkout master
>git pull
>git checkout -b new-branch
>... and now your edits
>git review
>And continue on another branch for the next change
Andreas is 100% right, but it's probably worth also being explicit about the
cause of the error, not just how to avoid it: your local master branch
contains commits which are not in the upstream origin/master branch. This
is not best practice in this context (nor in many others). As a result your
local master branch cannot be "fast-forwarded" in a purely linear fashion to
catch up with origin/master, and since you specified --ff-only, git will
refuse to catch up master with origin/master by doing a merge of the two.
So this shows that using --ff-only was a good idea, because it acted as a
safety mechanism which prevented this unwanted merge which would have
further polluted your local master and likely caused merge conflicts in the
So if you follow Andreas's good advice by keeping master "clean"
i.e. purely for tracking origin/master, and doing all your changes on other
branches, you will never have this problem.
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