[OpenStack-docs] Docs in BCN: Ops Session Wrap Up

Lana Brindley openstack at lanabrindley.com
Wed Oct 26 15:46:28 UTC 2016


Summit kicked off yesterday, and the first docs session was late in the day, in the Ops track.

Here's a recap of that session:

Moderator: Rocky Grober
Tuesday, October 25, 5:05pm-6:35pm


* Minimising overlapping content b/w the Ops Guide and Arch Guide - During Newton, the useful parts of the Arch chapter was migrated to the draft Arch Guide. The aim is to completely remove the Arch chapter in the Ops Guide once the new Arch Guide is published.
* In Newton, some enterprise troubleshooting information and tips (thanks Shilla/Comcast) were added to the guide. Continue to contribute these types of docs, if you have them. Can create patches or bugs with notes, and ask for editorial/writing assistance.
* How can we get more enterprises contributing their knowledge and insights upstream?
* Resources: The challenge is getting more operators to contribute to the docs. Need to 'close the loop' between Summits and review the changes made from feedback.
* Suggested strategy: working group? Planning/preparation phase of gathering information and defining a content structure during Ocata, then 2-3 day writing sprint at the PTG? Although if there is no Ops track at the PTG, this could impact participation. Any other thoughts/suggestions?
* Need subject matter experts who will do a final review. File patches and/or bugs to Docs and request a Docs person take ownership. Add this info to the Contributor Guide - https://review.openstack.org/#/c/390756/


* Complete Arch guide migration, Darren has made good progress here already
* Review Ops section and ensure that there are pointers to docs for OSC, Security, etc
* Remove out of date info from Ops
* Consider replacing user stories with use case example pointing to reference workload architecture repos.

Lana Brindley
Technical Writer
Rackspace Cloud Builders Australia

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