[OpenStack-docs] Fwd: Project Presence at PTG?

Alexandra Settle alexandra.settle at RACKSPACE.COM
Tue Oct 4 08:44:08 UTC 2016


I will check in with my boss and let you know! ☺



On 10/4/16, 12:44 AM, "Lana Brindley" <openstack at lanabrindley.com> wrote:

    Hi everyone,

    Kendall and Thierry are asking about project presence at the PTG in Atlanta in February. Due to a number of fairly complicated personal reasons, I can't travel for this one, so I'll be unable to attend. However, I would really like to have a docs presence there (and at future PTGs). Is there anyone willing to take point on this is my absence? I'll be able to support in the lead up, and remotely during the event.


    -------- Forwarded Message --------
    Subject: Project Presence at PTG?
    Date: Mon, 3 Oct 2016 10:18:42 -0400 (EDT)
    From: knelson at openstack.org <knelson at openstack.org>


    As you probably already know, the OpenStack Foundation is restructuring
    its events in 2017, splitting the activities that traditionally occurred
    at the Design Summit event into work sessions (at the "Project Teams
    Gathering" at the start of the cycle) and open community discussions
    ("Forum" at the OpenStack Summit in the middle of the cycle). You can
    learn more about this at http://www.openstack.org/ptg

    The first Project Teams Gathering will happen in Atlanta, Feb 20-24,
    2017. We'll provide a separate room for every (non-single-vendor)
    project team that asks for one, and each team will be able to organize
    its own agenda (similar to what happens at mid-cycle sprints).

    Horizontal teams (Infrastructure, Documentation, QA...) and
    cross-project workgroups will meet on Monday-Tuesday (Monday optional).
    Vertical teams (Nova, Cinder, Swift...) will meet on Wednesday-Friday
    (Friday optional). Teams that fall in between (Packaging, Kolla,
    Horizon...) might be placed with horizontal or vertical teams, depending
    on room availability. Attendees will be encouraged to pick one
    horizontal effort and one vertical team and attend the whole week,
    although they can of course opt to only attend a single team meeting.

    In order to start working on event space layout, we'd like to have an
    early indication of whether your project team plans to take advantage of
    this event and use a room at the PTG in Atlanta. Could you please raise
    that discussion with your team members and then answer the form (one
    single answer per team) ASAP but in all cases before Oct 16: https://openstackfoundation.formstack.com/forms/ptg_project_attendance

    Note that we don't expect every project team to join. In particular,
    smaller teams or teams which never felt the need to organize mid-cycle
    sprints might decide that having a room at the PTG would be overkill.
    That said, even if your team decides not to meet there, it's a good idea
    to have a few representatives of your project present at the event to
    participate in cross-project discussions!

    Let us know if you have any additional questions,

    - Kendall Nelson and Thierry Carrez

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