[OpenStack-docs] [install-guide] Update on work items

Lana Brindley openstack at lanabrindley.com
Wed May 25 04:17:42 UTC 2016

Hi everyone,

Good news! Both Install Guide specs have now merged, which means we can start work!

I've gone ahead and created a wiki page where we can track items: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Documentation/InstallGuideWorkItems Feel free to grab a task and get to work. I've also created blueprints so we can track work back to the two main tasks. Just remember to add "Blueprint: installguidenewton" or "Blueprint: projectspecificinstallguides" to your reviews.

I've also opened a Google poll with a couple of naming suggestions (and an 'other' option so you can suggest something different. I'll add these to the poll as they come in, so people can 'vote' for them). Vote here: http://goo.gl/forms/ITiXOmEbD4BBdxdB3 I'll keep it open for at least a couple of weeks, until we've gotten a reasonable number of responses.


Lana Brindley
Technical Writer
Rackspace Cloud Builders Australia

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