[OpenStack-docs] Restructure HTML templates / CSS files used on docs.o.o and in openstackdocstheme

Andreas Jaeger aj at suse.com
Tue Jan 19 11:56:40 UTC 2016

On 2016-01-19 12:42, Christian Berendt wrote:
> We want to use the same web design on openstack.org, docs.openstack.org
> and all generated documents.

I guess you should include developer.openstack.org here.

Also, you could enlarge this further and include URLs like
http://specs.openstack.org/ or sub pages like
http://docs.openstack.org/infra/ which are outside of documentation team
scope but face a similar challenge and implemented it differently.

Let's include Jimmy here since he was the last one to suggest some
changes from the foundation.

> We use templates in openstackdocstheme and openstack-manuals repository
> to adapt the design provided by openstack.org.
> At the moment it is a hassle to keep them up to date. You have to check
> openstack.org for changes, you have to modify the templates in the
> openstackdocstheme and openstack-manuals repository. Also it is not
> possible to sync the CSS files at the moment because we started to
> modify the CSS files provided by openstack.org. So at the moment we have
> different CSS files everywhere.
> I want to propose to restructure the used HTML templates and CSS files
> the follwing way:
> * extract all CSS modifications from the files synced from openstack.org
> and move them into a separate CSS file
> * create a set of HTML template files that can be used in
> openstackdocstheme and openstack-manuals

> * use openstackdocstheme as master repository

Or we could ask the foundation web master to create a master repo and
use that to update all places. Getting those that update
www.openstack.org involved is crucial IMHO.

> * the extracted CSS modifications are not synced between
> openstackdocstheme and openstack-manuals, because they are only
> necessary for Sphinx
> * create a sync job for the OpenStack proposal bot that syncs HTML
> templates / CSS files from openstackdocstheme into openstack-manuals

I would prefer if we can do this released based - meaning a new release
of the theme updates openstack-manuals.

> What do you think about this?
> Do we need a spec for this change?

Looking at the steps above, a spec might be useful so that we can
discuss what's missing and what not - and have a written plan of action,

> I volunteer myself to take care of this change.

 Andreas Jaeger aj@{suse.com,opensuse.org} Twitter: jaegerandi
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