[OpenStack-docs] Status of RST migration

Anne Gentle annegentle at justwriteclick.com
Sat Mar 28 02:45:53 UTC 2015

We are nearly there with the content itself, from my view. We still need a
content analysis on how useful it is to republish two guides for "End User"
and "Admin" designation, but I think we have RST copies of nearly all the
files. Thanks Darren and Olga for the great work this week! Also the table
of contents order should be correct now, thanks Andreas!

Some highlights and questions remain.

 - I'm looking at the content for the
common/ch_using_openstack_overview.xml and it's useful introductory text.
However, I'm wondering if the "Conventions" and "Doc History" sections are
necessary in our new "Every Page is Page One" mindset. We can certainly
have one page of Conventions for use everywhere. The Doc History I'm
inclined to not carry forward, perhaps instead we can get a meaningful feed
from the git updates. Would that be okay with everyone?

- While we wait just a few weeks more to finalize the theme, sometimes
we'll need to add content in both the XML build and the RST build. I think
this is the best path forward to avoid "Freezing" the content of the XML
version. We won't freeze the published User Guides but when reviewing,
insist that any additions be made in two places. Is that okay with

- I'll release a 1.0.5 version of the openstackdocstheme Sphinx theme with
three bug fixes by Monday. The remaining required fixes are the dynamic TOC
and a better "log a bug" link, both of which are in review:
https://review.openstack.org/160354 and https://review.openstack.org/160151.
Help wanted!

I'm super excited about the progress this week. Let me know your thoughts
on the remaining content decisions and we'll get done by April 9th.

Anne Gentle
annegentle at justwriteclick.com
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