[OpenStack-docs] [install-guide] RE: What's Up Doc? Apr 10 2015

Bernd Bausch berndbausch at gmail.com
Sat Apr 11 01:11:42 UTC 2015

Regarding the installation guide, I need some advice. Perhaps the docs community can help?

I am trying to install Kilo on yum-based systems using a repo from the RDO project. I have hit a few roadblocks that I have been able to deal with, but I am unsure what to do with the current one.

My questions are: Is it appropriate to ask developers about the intended way of doing things, if the old ways don’t work anymore? If yes, what are the best channels – chat, dev mailing list, personal email, …? If no, what else can I do? Do developers make such changes public somewhere?

Below is the problem I am currently trying to solve. **Note** that I am including it as an illustration what I am struggling with (more problems will show up as I continue working on this); I am not asking you to solve this particular problem for me. 

So far, to upload an image to Glance, the “glance image-create” command is used. This command doesn’t work anymore as in the past, and I don't understand what the “glance help image-create” is trying to say. On the other hand, I haven’t found an equivalent command in the new “openstack” CLI client. So my question is – what is the correct way to upload an image these days.

Have a great weekend,


From: Anne Gentle [mailto:annegentle at justwriteclick.com] 
Sent: Saturday, April 11, 2015 12:24 AM
To: openstack-docs at lists.openstack.org; OpenStack Development Mailing List; openstack-i18n at lists.openstack.org
Cc: Jesse Noller
Subject: [OpenStack-docs] What's Up Doc? Apr 10 2015

Hi all, 

As you probably saw from PTL nominations last week, I'm happy to hand the docs PTL baton to Lana Brindley! I loved leading this group and thank you all for supporting me. Thank you Lana for your willingness to lead. I'm still here to bring us to the Kilo release, so this week's What's Up Doc brings sharp focus requests to everyone to work on docs. These are the top priorities that we all need to work on - devs, writers, testers, gaters, everyone. 
1. Bug triaging and fixing, especially for openstack-manuals. There are nearly 300 DocImpact bugs logged that we need developers to circle back to. With nearly 600 bugs overall, we need lots of focus here. To that end, I propose we hold a bug triage day. I'll send details in a separate email.

2. Install Guide testing and reviewing. The Install Guide team has a published spec that will help reviewers see what's changing with the Kilo Install guide: http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/docs-specs/specs/kilo/installguide-kilo.html Join them for weekly meetings Tuesdays at at 13:00 UTC (8:00 AM US CDT) in Google Hangout: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/calendar/a2FyaW4ua2F0aG9kZUBnbWFpbC5jb20.jj2lu2nbj71a0dan11vatdav3k

If you do nothing else but these two focus areas we'll be in good shape. There are other activities going on leading up to Vancouver but those two are top priorities.

_RST Migration_

We are working to resolve translation tool expectations with the i18N team. I want to publish the RST-based English End User Guide and Admin User Guide once we're all comfortable with the way forward. Daisy will discuss the implications at the next i18N team meeting Thursday at 0800 UTC, and we'll implement and communicate the plan.

_Networking Guide_

Next on the list is Networking Guide testing and reviewing. The Networking Guide team has a talk in Vancouver and needs to get their guide in shape for publishing. The neutron team is holding a doc day April 23. Please join in -- they'll post details in their notes.

_First App Tutorial_

There's also the First Application Tutorial that needs to finish the spec and needs an editing cleanup prior to publishing. Ideally that will happen before Vancouver, we need to get it to the finish line.

_HA Guide_

With everything else going on we need an updated spec for the HA Guide - the wiki page isn't enough. Based on this week's doc team meeting it sounds like that can go to RST as well but we need it in the spec so we can plan and cross-coordinate with the other priorities leading up to Vancouver. 

_Vancouver Summit _
The docs team has four Fishbowl time slots, 2 Workroom slots, and 1 Meetup allocated now. If you'd like to discuss a cross-project idea, please use the  form to suggest new ideas:
http://goo.gl/forms/S69HM6XEeb. You can see the current suggestions already posted here: 

Lana or I will send out an etherpad in the next week or so with topic suggestions for our allocation.


Anne Gentle
annegentle at justwriteclick.com

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