[OpenStack-docs] tables, figures, appendix A

Anne Gentle annegentle at justwriteclick.com
Mon Apr 6 21:13:33 UTC 2015

On Mon, Apr 6, 2015 at 2:57 PM, Meg McRoberts <dreidellhasa at yahoo.com>

> Why can't we use the standard Sphinx xref tools for links to this
> frequently-used information?
> http://sphinx-doc.org/markup/inline.html
> It's pretty easy for docs in the same repo.  I've heard that there is a
> way to implement this for
> docs in different repos but I don't have experience with that.
We do use :ref: -- see

But the design that we vetted at

has a "tagging" approach closer to what Andreas is trying to work on.

I think I misunderstood Karen's question, and jumped to say we don't need
"List of Figures" and "List of Tables" such as what we have at the bottom
of this page.


We don't need List of Figures and List of Tables in our new design.

Tell me if there's something else you're looking for though. I do recognize
that we haven't implemented the dynamic TOC that's shown in the design. We
will be able to get there, but for now are ensuring we flip the switch on
the migration and iterate on the design as we get more people to try it

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