[Openstack-docs] Automated CLI Reference

Anne Gentle anne at openstack.org
Fri Jan 17 21:52:04 UTC 2014

Hi again all,

Are we doing any work towards automating a CLI reference?

I ask because at the Summit we talked like we wanted it, but I don't know
if it has an owner.

Thanks -

On Tue, Nov 5, 2013 at 11:46 AM, Anne Gentle <anne at openstack.org> wrote:

> On Tue, Nov 5, 2013 at 8:10 AM, Diane Fleming <diane.fleming at rackspace.com
> > wrote:
>>  Great summary!
>>  As for Cli reference, what about doing what we do for API ref? Just a
>> web page with list of calls and ref info? There really isn't enough info
>> for a book (I think).
> Yes, that's the idea, automated. The output could certainly look nicer
> than monspaced text. And we'd gather into one deliverable so as to avoid
> the appendix listing at the end of both user guides. What do you think?
> The CLI reference would be the listings of commands and subcommands, once
> you get to subcommands there may be a 100-page book in there. Maybe 200.
> Think of nova help for example. Then the output for nova help boot, which
> is rather large, but nova help add-fixed-ip is just:
> usage: nova add-fixed-ip <server> <network-id>
> Add new IP address on a network to server.
> Positional arguments:
>   <server>      Name or ID of server.
>   <network-id>  Network ID.
> Here's the output of nova help:
> usage: nova [--version] [--debug] [--os-cache] [--timings]
>             [--timeout <seconds>] [--os-username <auth-user-name>]
>             [--os-password <auth-password>]
>             [--os-tenant-name <auth-tenant-name>]
>             [--os-tenant-id <auth-tenant-id>] [--os-auth-url <auth-url>]
>             [--os-region-name <region-name>] [--os-auth-system
> <auth-system>]
>             [--service-type <service-type>] [--service-name <service-name>]
>             [--volume-service-name <volume-service-name>]
>             [--endpoint-type <endpoint-type>]
>             [--os-compute-api-version <compute-api-ver>]
>             [--os-cacert <ca-certificate>] [--insecure]
>             [--bypass-url <bypass-url>]
>             <subcommand> ...
> Command-line interface to the OpenStack Nova API.
> Positional arguments:
>   <subcommand>
>     absolute-limits     Print a list of absolute limits for a user
>     add-fixed-ip        Add new IP address on a network to server.
>     add-floating-ip     Add a floating IP address to a server.
>     add-secgroup        Add a Security Group to a server.
>     agent-create        Create new agent build.
>     agent-delete        Delete existing agent build.
>     agent-list          List all builds.
>     agent-modify        Modify existing agent build.
>     aggregate-add-host  Add the host to the specified aggregate.
>     aggregate-create    Create a new aggregate with the specified details.
>     aggregate-delete    Delete the aggregate.
>     aggregate-details   Show details of the specified aggregate.
>     aggregate-list      Print a list of all aggregates.
>     aggregate-remove-host
>                         Remove the specified host from the specified
>                         aggregate.
>     aggregate-set-metadata
>                         Update the metadata associated with the aggregate.
>     aggregate-update    Update the aggregate's name and optionally
>                         availability zone.
>     availability-zone-list
>                         List all the availability zones.
>     backup              Backup a instance by create a 'backup' type
> snapshot.
>     boot                Boot a new server.
>     clear-password      Clear password for a server.
>     cloudpipe-configure
>                         Update the VPN IP/port of a cloudpipe instance.
>     cloudpipe-create    Create a cloudpipe instance for the given project.
>     cloudpipe-list      Print a list of all cloudpipe instances.
>     console-log         Get console log output of a server.
>     coverage-report     Generate coverage report.
>     coverage-reset      Reset coverage data.
>     coverage-start      Start Nova coverage reporting.
>     coverage-stop       Stop Nova coverage reporting.
>     credentials         Show user credentials returned from auth.
>     delete              Immediately shut down and delete specified
> server(s).
>     diagnostics         Retrieve server diagnostics.
>     dns-create          Create a DNS entry for domain, name and ip.
>     dns-create-private-domain
>                         Create the specified DNS domain.
>     dns-create-public-domain
>                         Create the specified DNS domain.
>     dns-delete          Delete the specified DNS entry.
>     dns-delete-domain   Delete the specified DNS domain.
>     dns-domains         Print a list of available dns domains.
>     dns-list            List current DNS entries for domain and ip or
> domain
>                         and name.
>     endpoints           Discover endpoints that get returned from the
>                         authenticate services.
>     evacuate            Evacuate server from failed host to specified one.
>     fixed-ip-get        Retrieve info on a fixed ip.
>     fixed-ip-reserve    Reserve a fixed IP.
>     fixed-ip-unreserve  Unreserve a fixed IP.
>     flavor-access-add   Add flavor access for the given tenant.
>     flavor-access-list  Print access information about the given flavor.
>     flavor-access-remove
>                         Remove flavor access for the given tenant.
>     flavor-create       Create a new flavor
>     flavor-delete       Delete a specific flavor
>     flavor-key          Set or unset extra_spec for a flavor.
>     flavor-list         Print a list of available 'flavors' (sizes of
>                         servers).
>     flavor-show         Show details about the given flavor.
>     floating-ip-bulk-create
>                         Bulk create floating ips by range.
>     floating-ip-bulk-delete
>                         Bulk delete floating ips by range.
>     floating-ip-bulk-list
>                         List all floating ips.
>     floating-ip-create  Allocate a floating IP for the current tenant.
>     floating-ip-delete  De-allocate a floating IP.
>     floating-ip-list    List floating ips for this tenant.
>     floating-ip-pool-list
>                         List all floating ip pools.
>     get-password        Get password for a server.
>     get-spice-console   Get a spice console to a server.
>     get-vnc-console     Get a vnc console to a server.
>     host-action         Perform a power action on a host.
>     host-describe       Describe a specific host.
>     host-list           List all hosts by service.
>     host-update         Update host settings.
>     hypervisor-list     List hypervisors.
>     hypervisor-servers  List instances belonging to specific hypervisors.
>     hypervisor-show     Display the details of the specified hypervisor.
>     hypervisor-stats    Get hypervisor statistics over all compute nodes.
>     hypervisor-uptime   Display the uptime of the specified hypervisor.
>     image-create        Create a new image by taking a snapshot of a
> running
>                         server.
>     image-delete        Delete specified image(s).
>     image-list          Print a list of available images to boot from.
>     image-meta          Set or Delete metadata on an image.
>     image-show          Show details about the given image.
>     interface-attach    Attach a network interface to an instance.
>     interface-detach    Detach a network interface from an instance.
>     interface-list      List interfaces attached to an instance.
>     keypair-add         Create a new key pair for use with instances.
>     keypair-delete      Delete keypair given by its name.
>     keypair-list        Print a list of keypairs for a user
>     keypair-show        Show details about the given keypair.
>     list                List active servers.
>     list-secgroup       List Security Group(s) of a server.
>     live-migration      Migrate running instance to a new machine.
>     lock                Lock a server.
>     meta                Set or Delete metadata on a server.
>     migrate             Migrate a server. The new host will be selected by
> the
>                         scheduler.
>     network-associate-host
>                         Associate host with network.
>     network-associate-project
>                         Associate project with network.
>     network-create      Create a network.
>     network-disassociate
>                         Disassociate host and/or project from the given
>                         network.
>     network-list        Print a list of available networks.
>     network-show        Show details about the given network.
>     pause               Pause a server.
>     quota-class-show    List the quotas for a quota class.
>     quota-class-update  Update the quotas for a quota class.
>     quota-defaults      List the default quotas for a tenant.
>     quota-delete        Delete quota for a tenant/user so their quota will
>                         Revert back to default.
>     quota-show          List the quotas for a tenant/user.
>     quota-update        Update the quotas for a tenant/user.
>     rate-limits         Print a list of rate limits for a user
>     reboot              Reboot a server.
>     rebuild             Shutdown, re-image, and re-boot a server.
>     remove-fixed-ip     Remove an IP address from a server.
>     remove-floating-ip  Remove a floating IP address from a server.
>     remove-secgroup     Remove a Security Group from a server.
>     rename              Rename a server.
>     rescue              Rescue a server.
>     reset-network       Reset network of an instance.
>     reset-state         Reset the state of an instance.
>     resize              Resize a server.
>     resize-confirm      Confirm a previous resize.
>     resize-revert       Revert a previous resize (and return to the
> previous
>                         VM).
>     resume              Resume a server.
>     root-password       Change the root password for a server.
>     scrub               Delete data associated with the project.
>     secgroup-add-group-rule
>                         Add a source group rule to a security group.
>     secgroup-add-rule   Add a rule to a security group.
>     secgroup-create     Create a security group.
>     secgroup-delete     Delete a security group.
>     secgroup-delete-group-rule
>                         Delete a source group rule from a security group.
>     secgroup-delete-rule
>                         Delete a rule from a security group.
>     secgroup-list       List security groups for the current tenant.
>     secgroup-list-rules
>                         List rules for a security group.
>     secgroup-update     Update a security group.
>     service-disable     Disable the service.
>     service-enable      Enable the service.
>     service-list        Show a list of all running services. Filter by
> host &
>                         binary.
>     show                Show details about the given server.
>     ssh                 SSH into a server.
>     start               Start a server.
>     stop                Stop a server.
>     suspend             Suspend a server.
>     unlock              Unlock a server.
>     unpause             Unpause a server.
>     unrescue            Unrescue a server.
>     usage               Show usage data for a single tenant.
>     usage-list          List usage data for all tenants.
>     volume-attach       Attach a volume to a server.
>     volume-create       Add a new volume.
>     volume-delete       Remove a volume.
>     volume-detach       Detach a volume from a server.
>     volume-list         List all the volumes.
>     volume-show         Show details about a volume.
>     volume-snapshot-create
>                         Add a new snapshot.
>     volume-snapshot-delete
>                         Remove a snapshot.
>     volume-snapshot-list
>                         List all the snapshots.
>     volume-snapshot-show
>                         Show details about a snapshot.
>     volume-type-create  Create a new volume type.
>     volume-type-delete  Delete a specific flavor
>     volume-type-list    Print a list of available 'volume types'.
>     volume-update       Update volume attachment.
>     x509-create-cert    Create x509 cert for a user in tenant.
>     x509-get-root-cert  Fetch the x509 root cert.
>     bash-completion     Prints all of the commands and options to stdout so
>                         that the nova.bash_completion script doesn't have
> to
>                         hard code them.
>     help                Display help about this program or one of its
>                         subcommands.
>     baremetal-interface-add
>                         Add a network interface to a baremetal node.
>     baremetal-interface-list
>                         List network interfaces associated with a baremetal
>                         node.
>     baremetal-interface-remove
>                         Remove a network interface from a baremetal node.
>     baremetal-node-create
>                         Create a baremetal node.
>     baremetal-node-delete
>                         Remove a baremetal node and any associated
> interfaces.
>     baremetal-node-list
>                         Print list of available baremetal nodes.
>     baremetal-node-show
>                         Show information about a baremetal node.
>     cell-capacities     Get cell capacities for all cells or a given cell.
>     cell-show           Show details of a given cell.
>     force-delete        Force delete a server.
>     restore             Restore a soft-deleted server.
>     host-evacuate       Evacuate all instances from failed host to
> specified
>                         one.
>     host-servers-migrate
>                         Migrate all instances of the specified host to
> other
>                         available hosts.
>     instance-action     Show an action.
>     instance-action-list
>                         List actions on a server.
>     list-extensions     List all the os-api extensions that are available.
>     host-meta           Set or Delete metadata on all instances of a host.
>     migration-list      Print a list of migrations.
>     net                 Show a network
>     net-create          Create a network
>     net-delete          Delete a network
>     net-list            List networks
> Optional arguments:
>   --version             show program's version number and exit
>   --debug               Print debugging output
>   --os-cache            Use the auth token cache.
>   --timings             Print call timing info
>   --timeout <seconds>   Set HTTP call timeout (in seconds)
>   --os-username <auth-user-name>
>                         Defaults to env[OS_USERNAME].
>   --os-password <auth-password>
>                         Defaults to env[OS_PASSWORD].
>   --os-tenant-name <auth-tenant-name>
>                         Defaults to env[OS_TENANT_NAME].
>   --os-tenant-id <auth-tenant-id>
>                         Defaults to env[OS_TENANT_ID].
>   --os-auth-url <auth-url>
>                         Defaults to env[OS_AUTH_URL].
>   --os-region-name <region-name>
>                         Defaults to env[OS_REGION_NAME].
>   --os-auth-system <auth-system>
>                         Defaults to env[OS_AUTH_SYSTEM].
>   --service-type <service-type>
>                         Defaults to compute for most actions
>   --service-name <service-name>
>                         Defaults to env[NOVA_SERVICE_NAME]
>   --volume-service-name <volume-service-name>
>                         Defaults to env[NOVA_VOLUME_SERVICE_NAME]
>   --endpoint-type <endpoint-type>
>                         Defaults to env[NOVA_ENDPOINT_TYPE] or publicURL.
>   --os-compute-api-version <compute-api-ver>
>                         Accepts 1.1 or 3, defaults to
>                         env[OS_COMPUTE_API_VERSION].
>   --os-cacert <ca-certificate>
>                         Specify a CA bundle file to use in verifying a TLS
>                         (https) server certificate. Defaults to
> env[OS_CACERT]
>   --insecure            Explicitly allow novaclient to perform "insecure"
>                         (https) requests. The server's certificate will
> not be
>                         verified against any certificate authorities. This
>                         option should be used with caution.
>   --bypass-url <bypass-url>
>                         Use this API endpoint instead of the Service
> Catalog
> See "nova help COMMAND" for help on a specific command.
> Here's the output for nova help boot:
> usage: nova boot [--flavor <flavor>] [--image <image>]
>                  [--image-with <key=value>] [--boot-volume <volume_id>]
>                  [--snapshot <snapshot_id>] [--num-instances <number>]
>                  [--meta <key=value>] [--file <dst-path=src-path>]
>                  [--key-name <key-name>] [--user-data <user-data>]
>                  [--availability-zone <availability-zone>]
>                  [--security-groups <security-groups>]
>                  [--block-device-mapping <dev-name=mapping>]
>                  [--block-device key1=value1[,key2=value2...]]
>                  [--swap <swap_size>]
>                  [--ephemeral size=<size>[,format=<format>]]
>                  [--hint <key=value>]
>                  [--nic
> <net-id=net-uuid,v4-fixed-ip=ip-addr,port-id=port-uuid>]
>                  [--config-drive <value>] [--poll]
>                  <name>
> Boot a new server.
> Positional arguments:
>   <name>                Name for the new server
> Optional arguments:
>   --flavor <flavor>     Name or ID of flavor (see 'nova flavor-list').
>   --image <image>       Name or ID of image (see 'nova image-list').
>   --image-with <key=value>
>                         Image metadata property (see 'nova image-show').
>   --boot-volume <volume_id>
>                         Volume ID to boot from.
>   --snapshot <snapshot_id>
>                         Sapshot ID to boot from (will create a volume).
>   --num-instances <number>
>                         boot multi instances at a time (limited by quota).
>   --meta <key=value>    Record arbitrary key/value metadata to /meta.js on
> the
>                         new server. Can be specified multiple times.
>   --file <dst-path=src-path>
>                         Store arbitrary files from <src-path> locally to
> <dst-
>                         path> on the new server. You may store up to 5
> files.
>   --key-name <key-name>
>                         Key name of keypair that should be created earlier
>                         with the command keypair-add
>   --user-data <user-data>
>                         user data file to pass to be exposed by the
> metadata
>                         server.
>   --availability-zone <availability-zone>
>                         The availability zone for instance placement.
>   --security-groups <security-groups>
>                         Comma separated list of security group names.
>   --block-device-mapping <dev-name=mapping>
>                         Block device mapping in the format <dev-
>                         name>=<id>:<type>:<size(GB)>:<delete-on-terminate>.
>   --block-device key1=value1[,key2=value2...]
>                         Block device mapping with the keys: id=image_id,
>                         snapshot_id or volume_id, source=source type
> (image,
>                         snapshot, volume or blank), dest=destination type
> of
>                         the block device (volume or local), bus=device's
> bus,
>                         device=name of the device (e.g. vda, xda, ...),
>                         size=size of the block device in GB, format=device
>                         will be formatted (e.g. swap, ext3, ntfs, ...),
>                         bootindex=integer used for ordering the boot disks,
>                         type=device type (e.g. disk, cdrom, ...) and
>                         shutdown=shutdown behaviour (either preserve or
>                         remove).
>   --swap <swap_size>    Create and attach a local swap block device of
>                         <swap_size> MB.
>   --ephemeral size=<size>[,format=<format>]
>                         Create and attach a local ephemeral block device of
>                         <size> GB and format it to <format>.
>   --hint <key=value>    Send arbitrary key/value pairs to the scheduler for
>                         custom use.
>   --nic <net-id=net-uuid,v4-fixed-ip=ip-addr,port-id=port-uuid>
>                         Create a NIC on the server. Specify option multiple
>                         times to create multiple NICs. net-id: attach NIC
> to
>                         network with this UUID (required if no port-id), v4
>                         -fixed-ip: IPv4 fixed address for NIC (optional),
>                         port-id: attach NIC to port with this UUID
> (required
>                         if no net-id)
>   --config-drive <value>
>                         Enable config drive
>   --poll                Blocks while instance builds so progress can be
>                         reported.
>>  As for horizon screenshots, do we need them? That GUI is not that
>> complicated and screenshots are a pain to maintain (automated or not).  A
>> better project might be to add some online help to the GUI itself?
> I'll see if Summer can comment further. Workflows were a bit deal to
> Horizon and there's plenty we're not documenting that you can do in the
> Dashboard. I see this as just a research spike in viability.
> Thanks -
> Anne
>>  Thanks Anne (and all)!
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Nov 5, 2013, at 3:25 AM, "Anne Gentle" <anne at openstack.org> wrote:
>>         Hi all,
>>  The first four docs discussions are done and we've got some decisions we
>> want to bring to the group. Ideally these decisions will stick for the
>> Icehouse time frame, the next six months. Tom, Summer, Stephen, and I were
>> here but we want to be sure we came to the same conclusions on our own that
>> our larger group would have as well.
>>  Doc automation:
>>  - We want to set up a doctools repo just for doc tools like the
>> automation tools and gate tests. Should help with translation tools also.
>> Open to ITS use.
>>  - Config items automation - Oslo will likely change enough this release
>> that our tool needs to change as well.
>> - CLI reference automation - part of the restructure discussion uncovered
>> a need to streamline the Config ref to reference only, and also create a
>> CLI reference for CLI reference only. We want to prioritize automating this
>> as highly as config automation.
>> - API doc automation - still under discussion, stay tuned after this
>> Friday.
>> - RST to XML workflow for training guides - Sean wants to filter the dev
>> doc further.
>>  - Ceilometer has tables they auto-generate in their dev docs that they
>> want to bring into openstack-manuals.
>>  - Horizon workflows: Summer had a great idea to automate screen
>> captures of common workflows in the dashboard. This work would be great to
>> do in the coming release, Summer is going to do a research spike into
>> tooling.
>>  Restructure:
>>  Despite the tradeoff that we have to re-communicate some more moves to
>> all the teams, we want to trim the configuration reference down to just
>> listings of options, no how-to or explanatory information. Move this type
>> of info to the Cloud Admin Guide. Are we good with this plan for Icehouse?
>>  Pull out CLI reference info from the end-user guide and admin user
>> guide, put into a CLI reference that goes to the submenu level. Sound good?
>>  Install guide (always seems to be a topic of its own):
>> - Continue with current guide, maintain and update for icehouse.
>>  - Look for 2-3 more resources to help with install guides.
>>  - Push for a real big testing drive a month before release instead of 2
>> weeks.
>>  Any questions? If you're not here, we sure wish you were here!
>>  As a side note, here are some pics from our women of OpenStack boat
>> outing last night on the harbor. The grey fog was everywhere and we
>> couldn't go on deck it was just too wet. But the buildings lighting up are
>> amazing here, you can hardly capture the sights in photos.
>> http://flic.kr/s/aHsjLUoHM2
>> Here's the one sightseeing day I've had so far, going on a "crystal
>> bottom" cable car ride to get to a big Buddha statue with a monastery
>> nearby.
>> http://flic.kr/s/aHsjLWowHf
>>  Anne
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