[Openstack-docs] Checking JSON/XML errors on docs.openstack.org

Diane Fleming diane.fleming at RACKSPACE.COM
Wed Feb 26 19:33:17 UTC 2014

You can annotate any file by using this tagging: (this example includes the xml_curl.txt file, and provides callouts for various lines – see screenshot at the end of this note)

 <example xml:id="xml_example">
        <title>cURL Command Example: XML Request and Response</title>
                <area xml:id="xml_curl.txt.endpoint"
                    units="linecolumn" coords="1 87"/>
                <area xml:id="xml_curl.txt.content" units="linecolumn"
                    coords="4 46"/>
                <area xml:id="xml_curl.txt.accept" units="linecolumn"
                    coords="5 40"/>
                <area xml:id="xml_curl.txt.file" units="linecolumn"
                    coords="7 29"/>
                <area xml:id="xml_curl.txt.ppxml" units="linecolumn"
                    coords="7 40"/>
            <programlisting language="bash" role="gutter: false"><?db-font-size 65%?><prompt>$</prompt> <xi:include href="../samples/xml_curl.txt" parse="text"/></programlisting>
    <para>The example, <xref linkend="xml_example"/>, includes the
        following changes:<calloutlist>
            <callout arearefs="xml_curl.txt.endpoint">
                <para>Append <literal>.xml</literal> to the endpoint
                    in the cURL command to return an XML
            <callout arearefs="xml_curl.txt.content">
                <para>The <literal>Content-Type:</literal> header
                    specifies <literal>application/xml</literal>
                    instead of <literal>application/json</literal>.
            <callout arearefs="xml_curl.txt.accept">
                <para>The <literal>Accept:</literal> header specifies
                        <literal>application/xml</literal> instead of
                        <literal>application/json</literal>. </para>
            <callout arearefs="xml_curl.txt.file">
                <para>If the request requires a request body, specify
                    it in XML format. In this example, the XML body is
                    passed in the
            <callout arearefs="xml_curl.txt.ppxml">
                <para>To pretty-print the XML output, set the <literal
                        >ppxml</literal> alias, as follows: </para>
                <programlisting language="bash" role="gutter: false"><?db-font-size 50%?><prompt>$</prompt> alias ppxml='python -c "import sys, xml.dom.minidom; print xml.dom.minidom.parseString(sys.stdin.read()).toprettyxml()"'</programlisting>
                <para xmlns:svg="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
                    append the <literal>ppxml</literal> alias to your
                    cURL command. </para>


Diane Fleming
Software Developer II - US
diane.fleming at rackspace.com
Cell  512.323.6799
Office 512.874.1260
Skype drfleming0227
Google-plus diane.fleming at gmail.com

From: Anne Gentle <anne at openstack.org<mailto:anne at openstack.org>>
Date: Wednesday, February 26, 2014 1:08 PM
To: Andreas Jaeger <aj at suse.com<mailto:aj at suse.com>>
Cc: "openstack-docs at lists.openstack.org<mailto:openstack-docs at lists.openstack.org>" <openstack-docs at lists.openstack.org<mailto:openstack-docs at lists.openstack.org>>
Subject: Re: [Openstack-docs] Checking JSON/XML errors on docs.openstack.org

On Wed, Feb 26, 2014 at 12:55 PM, Andreas Jaeger <aj at suse.com<mailto:aj at suse.com>> wrote:
On 02/26/2014 03:04 PM, Jamie Hannaford wrote:
> [...]
> Following this, I've also written a script that checks every single
> piece of documentation on openstack.org<http://openstack.org> for malformed JSON/XML. Whereas
> Andreas checks during the Jenkins build process, my check allows us to
> see any pre-built documentation errors that are currently live.  Doing
> this, I've found 31 errors on the docs.openstack.org<http://docs.openstack.org> sub-domain that
> need to be corrected. The full report is attached.

Great idea! I think you run it before some changes were merged, could
you rerun it and file a bug report with these instructions, please?

I hope somebody will then fix these ;)

Agreed - although one that was identified is policy.json from the Grizzly documents, where we use annotation inline like [1] [2] [3] which then makes the json invalid. So in fixing that, we need to figure out how to annotate the policy.json file -- any ideas?

Thanks for the work here --- what a great idea for higher quality docs.


 Andreas Jaeger aj@{suse.com<http://suse.com>,opensuse.org<http://opensuse.org>} Twitter/Identica: jaegerandi
  SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Maxfeldstr. 5, 90409 Nürnberg, Germany
   GF: Jeff Hawn,Jennifer Guild,Felix Imendörffer,HRB16746 (AG Nürnberg)
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