[Openstack-docs] Validation of JSON files

Sam Harwell sam.harwell at RACKSPACE.COM
Mon Feb 24 16:19:01 UTC 2014

Hi Andreas,

In order to resolve the JSON syntax issues consistently, we will need a plan for the manner in which we include HTTP header information in the examples. Currently, several otherwise-valid JSON files in the documentation projects include one or more HTTP headers at the beginning of the .json file, which would cause this type of validation to fail. Ideally we would have a simple solution for creating two files for the example: one for the HTTP headers and a second for the actual JSON body.

One of the patches I submitted a while back corrected the JSON files for one of the documentation projects. It was rejected over the concern that malformed JSON files in the documentation project could raise larger questions regarding the validity of the affected JSON content as a whole, and the fix should be performed instead as part of retesting the service to obtain a current accurate representation of the resource. I would provide a link to the code review request, but it has since fallen off the list of Recently closed items and I have no idea how to find it now.


-----Original Message-----
From: Andreas Jaeger [mailto:aj at suse.com] 
Sent: Sunday, February 23, 2014 7:25 AM
To: openstack-docs at lists.openstack.org
Subject: [Openstack-docs] Validation of JSON files

After having some conversations with a few rackers, I implemented a simple JSON validation (see patch https://review.openstack.org/#/c/75680/). This just validates that the JSON file is well-formed but does not check any schema.

I fixed a few cases myself:

and also filed some bug reports:

I've enabled the check for the non-voting niceness gate - so that it does not abort if it fails. Once all the issues are fixed, I'd like to move it to the voting syntax check.

Please have a look whether this is doing the right thing and those files are indeed wrong and provide feedback.

Btw. to manually valid a JSON file, just run:
python -mjson.tool FILENAME

 Andreas Jaeger aj@{suse.com,opensuse.org} Twitter/Identica: jaegerandi
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