[Openstack-docs] openstack-doc-tools needs some changes

Andreas Jaeger aj at suse.com
Sat Feb 8 17:58:29 UTC 2014

On 02/08/2014 02:52 PM, Thomas Goirand wrote:
> Hi,
> I tried packaging openstack-doc-tools, but there's a few issues.
> First, there are scripts with the ".sh" extension in /usr/bin. That's
> forbidden by the Debian policy. So, build-ha-guide.sh and
> makdown-docbook.sh would have to be renamed.
> Then, some names are a way too generic, and I don't feel comfortable
> uploading that to Debian:
> - build-ha-guide.sh
> - generatedocbook
> - generatepot
> - markdown-docbook.sh
> So, would it be possible to rename all these files in /usr/bin, so that
> I can package openstack-doc-tools correctly in Debian?
> Your thoughts?

markdown-docbook.sh and build-ha-guide.sh are used internally by
openstack-doc-test. We could install them in /usr/lib instead of
/usr/bin. Do you have a suggestion for this? Renaming/moving them is
easy since these are "internal" tools and we need to change only the
packaging site and os_doc_tools/doctest.py.

generatedocbook and generatepot are used from tox.ini and need to be in
usr/bin. If you have a proposal for new names, please send it. We can
change those but need to do it carefully so that we do not break the
gates. I would do it in a few steps - first step add a new name and
leave the old as link, get it in, then change all files that use it to
use the new name and then remove the old names.

Patches and concrete suggestions are welcome,
 Andreas Jaeger aj@{suse.com,opensuse.org} Twitter/Identica: jaegerandi
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