[Openstack-docs] validate.py error

Sean Roberts seanrob at yahoo-inc.com
Wed Aug 7 19:23:27 UTC 2013

the book_exception var is used with build_all_books. I believe the script is failing during the validate_individual_files routine.

Sean Roberts
Infrastructure Strategy
seanrob at yahoo-inc.com<mailto:seanrob at yahoo-inc.com> (925) 980-4729

On Aug 7, 2013, at 12:06 PM, David Cramer <david.cramer at rackspace.com<mailto:david.cramer at rackspace.com>>

On 08/07/2013 01:59 PM, Anne Gentle wrote:

Building with maven is not exactly the same as validating with the
RelaxNG schema. David or Shaun do you know if the xi:include with xpath
statements would validate against the RelaxNG schema?

Yes, maven validates against the RelaxNG schema twice: First it
validates after the xinclude has happened. At this point it doesn't yet
check IDREFs, then after it's done all the profiling and some other
work, it validates again and does check IDREFs. So the Maven plugin's
validation should be more real-world and less likely to give

The version of validate.py on github has a BOOK_EXCEPTION with
openstack-training. So it shouldn't be testing your stuff anyway. So....
oh, do what Lorin said.



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