[Openstack-docs] [Folsom] First Guide to try Folsom Packages into Ubuntu 12.04

Mannidi Purandhar Sairam-B39209 B39209 at freescale.com
Mon Sep 10 09:19:46 UTC 2012

Observed following warning while installing Compute Node in Ubuntu 12.04

2012-09-10 14:41:04 DEBUG nova.utils [-] backend <module 'nova.db.sqlalchemy.migration' from '/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/nova/db/sqlalchemy/migration.pyc'> from (pid=19001) __get_backend /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/nova/utils.py:494
backend <module 'nova.db.sqlalchemy.migration' from '/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/nova/db/sqlalchemy/migration.pyc'>
2012-09-10 14:41:05 WARNING nova.common.deprecated [-] Did not recognize type 'BIGINT' of column 'bw_in'
Did not recognize type 'BIGINT' of column 'bw_in'
2012-09-10 14:41:05 WARNING nova.common.deprecated [-] Did not recognize type 'BIGINT' of column 'bw_out'
Did not recognize type 'BIGINT' of column 'bw_out'


From: Emilien Macchi [mailto:emilien.macchi at stackops.com]
Sent: Friday, September 07, 2012 9:53 PM
To: openstack-docs at lists.openstack.org; <openstack at lists.launchpad.net>
Subject: [Openstack-docs] [Folsom] First Guide to try Folsom Packages into Ubuntu 12.04

Hi Stackers,

This week, I've been moving forward with Folsom testing.
It seems that I'm not alone in wanting to see what will provide Folsom and what will be the changes for Deployment. I also decided to start a guide (with some scripts) [1] which helps anyone who wants to deploy Folsom Testing Packages [1] into Ubuntu 12.04.

Keep in mind my work is still under development, but please fill free to report any problem.
At this moment, Networking with Quantum is not working since I've some packaging issues but it should be fixed very soon.

Of course, this doc is really far to be ready for full deployment, but it will evolute in the future and I hope everyone will enjoy with it.

Thank's to the developers for the great job which has been done, and good testing !

[1] https://github.com/EmilienM/openstack-folsom-guide
[2] https://launchpad.net/~openstack-ubuntu-testing/+archive/folsom-trunk-testing

Emilien Macchi
System Engineer

| emilien.macchi at stackops.com<mailto:emilien.macchi at stackops.com>  | skype:emilien.macchi


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