[all][elections][ptl][tc] Conbined PTL/TC 2024.1 cycle Election Voting Kickoff

Ian Y. Choi ianyrchoi at gmail.com
Wed Sep 6 23:46:51 UTC 2023

Polls for PTL and TC elections are now open and will remain open for
you to cast your vote until Sep 20, 2023 23:45 UTC.

We are selecting 4 TC members, and are having PTL
elections for OpenStack_Helm. Please rank all candidates in
your order of preference.

You are eligible to vote in the TC election if you are a Foundation
individual member[0] that also has committed to any official project
team's deliverable repositories[1] over the Sep 16, 2022 00:00 UTC - Aug 
30, 2023 00:00 UTC
timeframe (2023.1 to 2023.2) or if you are
in the list of extra-atcs[2] for any official project team.

You are eligible to vote in a PTL election if you are a Foundation
individual member[0] and had a commit in one of that team's
deliverable repositories[1] over the Sep 16, 2022 00:00 UTC - Aug 30, 
2023 00:00 UTC timeframe (2023.1 to 2023.2) or if you are in that team's
list of extra-atcs[2].

If you are eligible to vote in an election, you should find your
email with a link to the Condorcet Internet Voting Service (CIVS) page
to cast your vote in the inbox of your Gerrit preferred email[3].

What to do if you don't see the email and have a commit in at
least one of the projects having an election:
* due to a new CIVS policy, to get the email from poll supervisors,
     you must opt in to email communication
     opt in with your Gerrit email address at:
* eligible voters who opt in to email communication late
   can see a pending poll invitation and vote
   until Sep 20, 2023 23:45 UTC.
* check the trash or spam folders of your Gerrit Preferred
     Email address, in case it went into trash or spam
* wait a bit and check again, in case your email server is a bit slow
* find the sha of at least one commit from the project's deliverable
     repos[0] and email the election officials[4].

If we can confirm that you are entitled to vote, we will add you
to the voters list for the appropriate election.

Our democratic process is important to the health of OpenStack,
please exercise your right to vote!

Candidate statements/platforms can be found linked to Candidate
names on this page:

Happy voting,

[0] https://www.openstack.org/community/members/

[1] The list of the repositories eligible for electoral status:

[2] Look for the extra-atcs element in [1]

[3] Sign into review.openstack.org: Go to Settings > Contact
     Information. Look at the email listed as your preferred email.
     That is where the ballot has been sent.

[4] https://governance.openstack.org/election/#election-officials

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