Mixing IDE and VIRTIO volumes

Gorka Eguileor geguileo at redhat.com
Mon May 22 15:41:52 UTC 2023

On 20/05, Work Ceph wrote:
> Hello guys,
> We have a situation where an image requires an IDE bus in KVM. Therefore,
> we configured it in OpenStack to have the IDE bus being used. However, when
> we add new volumes to this VM (server), all of them are being allocated as
> IDE volumes; therefore, we are limited to 4 volumes in total in the VM. Is
> it possible to mix different types of volumes in a VM in OpenStack? I know
> that in other platforms, such as when we use KVM directly, proxmox, Apache
> CloudStack, we can do such combinations, but we were not able to achieve it
> in OpenStack.
> Have you guys worked with similar use cases? I know that I can convert the
> image to use virtIO or iSCSI bus, and to do that I need to fix/patch the
> operating system inside the image. However, I would like to check if there
> is a method to use a root volume of a VM as IDE, and other volumes as
> virtio to avoid the limit of volumes that IDE has.


I think I heard some Nova people talking about a new feature to support
different buses for different volumes. Unfortunately I don't remember if
it's something they were considering doing or something they were
already working on.


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