Mixing IDE and VIRTIO volumes

Work Ceph work.ceph.user.mailing at gmail.com
Sat May 20 18:15:15 UTC 2023

Hello guys,
We have a situation where an image requires an IDE bus in KVM. Therefore,
we configured it in OpenStack to have the IDE bus being used. However, when
we add new volumes to this VM (server), all of them are being allocated as
IDE volumes; therefore, we are limited to 4 volumes in total in the VM. Is
it possible to mix different types of volumes in a VM in OpenStack? I know
that in other platforms, such as when we use KVM directly, proxmox, Apache
CloudStack, we can do such combinations, but we were not able to achieve it
in OpenStack.

Have you guys worked with similar use cases? I know that I can convert the
image to use virtIO or iSCSI bus, and to do that I need to fix/patch the
operating system inside the image. However, I would like to check if there
is a method to use a root volume of a VM as IDE, and other volumes as
virtio to avoid the limit of volumes that IDE has.
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