Andrej Moravčík
andrej.moravcik at aliter.com
Tue May 9 11:46:03 UTC 2023
Hello community,
I am evaluating OpenStack release Xena with VMware vSphere deployed using Kolla-ansible.
I would really appreciate if someone with similar environment can confirm my findings or share his/her experience. I did some research and choose Xena, because it is still maintained release and vmware-nsx latest stable branch is xena.
I have built customised Docker images with additional Neutron plugins from opendev.org/x/vmware-nsx<http://opendev.org/x/vmware-nsx>, then I deployed single controller using all-in-one Ansible inventory with customised globals.yml according https://docs.openstack.org/kolla-ansible/xena/reference/compute/vmware-guide.html#vmware-nsx-dvs
1) Neutron creates flat or VLAN type provider networks and add related Distributed Virtual Port Group (PG) to vSphere Distributed Switch (vDS or DVS). PG is automatically created with naming convention “<network name>”-“<network ID suffix>", which may not be suitable for same use cases, eg. PG was created by Cisco ACI ahead of Neutron and is part of ACI EPG.
Question: is this PG naming convention fixed by design or is it configurable? If I want to use existing vDS PG with Neutron how this can be achieved?
2) Neutron metadata and DHCP agents are not accessible to Nova instance attached to DVS PG. I can deploy simple instance from Cirros image, but I cannot provision DHCP or fixed IP address. Provisioning via config drive doesn’t work either, I filled bug report to Nova … https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/2018973
The documentation says … "For VMware DVS, the Neutron DHCP agent does not attaches to Open vSwitch inside VMware environment, but attach to the Open vSwitch bridge called br-dvs on the OpenStack side and replies to/receives DHCP packets through VLAN. Similar to what the DHCP agent does, Neutron metadata agent attaches to br-dvs bridge and works through VLAN.”
Question: Is it expected that Kolla-ansible creates working configurations for Nova and Neutron, if all related options in globals.yml are set up? Or further adjustment is needed on Openstack or vCenter side?
Thank you.
Andrej Moravcik
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