Getting 403 from keystone as admin user.

Eugen Block eblock at
Wed May 3 11:40:11 UTC 2023

A few more details about the exact error under which conditions  
(always, sometimes?) would be useful and how the cluster is deployed  
(HA?) and used (e.g. terraform). It could be a memcache config issue,  
but at this point it's just wild guessing.

Zitat von Andy Speagle <aspeagle at>:

> We're getting strange 403's from keystone on the CLI when trying to
> list users, groups, and role assignments.
> Running keystone 17.0.1 on ussuri.
> I've looked through our policy.json... can't find anything strange. Has
> anyone seen this behavior? Any ideas what can be done?
> Thanks.

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