[neutron][release] Proposing transition to EOL Train (all Neutron related projects)

Jeremy Stanley fungi at yuggoth.org
Mon Mar 27 16:07:20 UTC 2023

On 2023-03-27 13:25:41 +0000 (+0000), Elõd Illés wrote:
> I also know that backporting every bug fix to stable branches is
> time and resource consuming, and the team does not have / want to
> spend time on this anymore.

Note that this was actually the point of Extended Maintenance. Team
members aren't expected to backport fixes to EM phase branches. They
exist so interested members of the community can propose, review,
and otherwise collaborate on backports even if the core review team
for the project is no longer interested in paying attention to them.

> what if stable/train of neutron is kept open as long as the gate
> is functional, to give people the possibility for cooperation,
> give the opportunity to test backports, bug fixes on upstream CI
> for stable/train.

And this can be accomplished by removing jobs which will no longer
work without significant effort, we included provisions for exactly
that in the original EM resolution:

    "[...] these older branches might, at some point, just be
    running pep8 and unit tests but those are required at a


So dropping "integration" (e.g. DevStack/Tempest) and "functional
testing" jobs from EM branches is fine, even expected. If unit
testing and static analysis jobs required by the PTI don't pass any
longer, then the branch and all branches older than it have to
switch to unmaintained of end of life.
Jeremy Stanley
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