Unable to create volume with image in edge site | Glance-Cinder | Openstack DCN | Wallaby

Swogat Pradhan swogatpradhan22 at gmail.com
Wed Mar 22 21:07:32 UTC 2023

I am creating a fresh thread for this glance issue.
I have setup glance multistore for my infra.

glance.yaml for dcn site:

(overcloud) [stack at hkg2director ~]$ cat dcn02/glance_dcn02.yaml
        #GlanceShowMultipleLocations: true
    GlanceEnabledImportMethods: web-download,copy-image
    GlanceBackend: rbd
    GlanceStoreDescription: 'dcn02 rbd glance store'
    GlanceBackendID: dcn02
    CephClusterName: dcn02
        GlanceBackend: rbd
        GlanceStoreDescription: 'Default glance store backend.'
        CephClusterName: ceph

Now i have created a cirros image and have imported it to dcn store using
copy-image method. When I create an empty volume in the DCN site the volume
gets created without any issues.
But when I create a volume with image (volume source) the volume gets stuck
in the creating state forever. I get logs in cinder-volume 3-4 mins after I
have hit the create volume button.

Cinder logs:
2023-03-22 20:34:59.166 108 INFO cinder.volume.flows.manager.create_volume
[req-0d2093a0-efbd-45a5-bd7d-cce25ddc200e b240e3e89d99489284cd731e75f2a5db
4160ce999a31485fa643aed0936dfef0 - - -] Volume
5743a879-090d-46db-bc7c-1c0b0669a112: being created as image with
specification: {'status': 'creating', 'volume_name':
'volume-5743a879-090d-46db-bc7c-1c0b0669a112', 'volume_size': 2,
'image_id': 'acfd0a14-69e0-44d6-a6a1-aa9dc83e9d5b', 'image_location':
'metadata': {'store': 'ceph'}}, {'url':
'metadata': {'store': 'dcn02'}}]), 'image_meta': {'name': 'cirros',
'disk_format': 'qcow2', 'container_format': 'bare', 'visibility': 'public',
'size': 16338944, 'virtual_size': 117440512, 'status': 'active',
'checksum': '1d3062cd89af34e419f7100277f38b2b', 'protected': False,
'min_ram': 0, 'min_disk': 0, 'owner': '4160ce999a31485fa643aed0936dfef0',
'os_hidden': False, 'os_hash_algo': 'sha512', 'os_hash_value':
'id': 'acfd0a14-69e0-44d6-a6a1-aa9dc83e9d5b', 'created_at':
datetime.datetime(2023, 3, 22, 18, 50, 5, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc),
'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 3, 22, 20, 3, 54,
tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'locations': [{'url':
'metadata': {'store': 'ceph'}}, {'url':
'metadata': {'store': 'dcn02'}}], 'direct_url':
'tags': [], 'file': '/v2/images/acfd0a14-69e0-44d6-a6a1-aa9dc83e9d5b/file',
'stores': 'ceph,dcn02', 'properties': {'os_glance_failed_import': '',
'os_glance_importing_to_stores': '', 'owner_specified.openstack.md5': '',
'owner_specified.openstack.object': 'images/cirros',
'owner_specified.openstack.sha256': ''}}, 'image_service':
<cinder.image.glance.GlanceImageService object at 0x7f8147973438>}

I checked both glance and cinder containers are running in a healthy state.
I see no errors or whatsoever. I am not sure how to fix the cinder volume
stuck in the creating state in the DCN edge site.

With regards,
Swogat Pradhan
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