[barbican] database is growing and can not be purged

Pavlo Shchelokovskyy pshchelokovskyy at mirantis.com
Mon Mar 6 17:32:40 UTC 2023

Hi all,

we are observing the following behavior in Barbican:
- OpenStack environment is using both encrypted Cinder volumes and
encrypted local storage (lvm) for Nova instances
- over the time, the secrets and orders tables are growing
- many soft-deleted entries in secrets DB can not be purged by the db
cleanup script

As I understand what is happening - both Cinder and Nova create secrets in
Barbican on behalf of the user when creating an encrypted volume or booting
an instance with encrypted local storage. They both do it via castellan
library, that under the hood creates orders in Barbican, waits for them to
become active and returns to the caller only the ID of the generated
secret. When time comes to delete the thing (volume or instance)
Cinder/Nova again use castellan, but only delete the secret, not the order
(they are not aware that there was any 'order' created anyway). As a
result, the orders are left in place, and DB cleanup procedure does not
delete soft-deleted secrets when there's an ACTIVE order referencing such

This is troublesomes on many levels - users who use Cinder or Nova may not
even be aware that they are creating something in Barbican. Orders
accumulating like that may eventually result in cryptic errors when e.g.
when you run out of quota for orders. And what's more, default Barbican
policies do allow 'normal' (creator) users to create an order, but not
delete it (only project admin can do it), so even if the users are aware of
Barbican involvement, they can not delete those orders manually anyway.
Plus there's no good way in API to determine outright which orders are
referencing deleted secrets.

I see several ways of dealing with that and would like to ask for your
opinion on what would be the best one:
1. Amend Barbican API to allow filtering orders by the secrets, when
castellan deletes a secret - search for corresponding order and delete it
as well, change default policy to actually allow order deletion by the same
users who can create them.
2. Cascade-delete orders when deleting secrets - this is easy but probably
violates that very policy that disallowed normal users to delete orders.
3. improve the database cleanup so it first marks any order that references
a deleted secret also as deleted, so later when time comes both could be
purged (or something like that). This also has a similar downside to the
previous option by not being explicit enough.

I've filed a bug for that https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/2010625
and proposed a patch for option 2 (cascade delete), but would like to ask
what would you see as the most appropriate way  or may be there's something
else that I've missed.

Btw, the problem is probably even more pronounced with keypairs - when
castellan is used to create those, under the hood both order and container
are created besides the actual secrets, and again only the secret ids are
returned to the caller. When time comes to delete things, the caller only
knows about secret IDs, and can only delete them, leaving both container
and order behind.
Luckily, I did not find any place across OpenStack that actually creates
keypairs using castellan... but the problem is definitely there.

Best regards,
Dr. Pavlo Shchelokovskyy
Principal Software Engineer
Mirantis Inc
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