[neutron] unmanaged router resources - OVN interconnect
Roberto Bartzen Acosta
roberto.acosta at luizalabs.com
Mon Jul 17 18:04:08 UTC 2023
Em seg., 17 de jul. de 2023 às 13:33, Rodolfo Alonso Hernandez <
ralonsoh at redhat.com> escreveu:
> > In my opinion the answer would be: yes and no, this approach would work
> for isolated cases, but think on a larger scale: how many external networks
> would need to be managed at the IP Fabric level?
> This is exactly what you are proposing in your previous mails: "Felix'
> suggestion is related to integrating the TS to a network on Neutron (some
> kind of mapping)". So at this point I'm curious about your proposal. And
> about the static routes, if these routes are created from a Neutron defined
> router, as I proposed, they won't be deleted.
The DB sync calls this method [1] to provide a list of the static routes
related to some router (Neutron defined router), and then check if this
list is consistent with the Neutron static route database [2]. This route
will not exist in Neutron (it's a learned route), if this is not made
flexible, the OVN-IC cannot be integrated with Neutron because those routes
will be deleted. This behavior extends to any other resource dynamically
learned by OVN / OVN-IC solution.
> > About the proposed RFE, do you see any problem if Neutron deletes from
> the OVN only what it manages?
> Yes, a huge one: OVN is a service for Neutron, same as RabbitMQ or MySQL.
> These services are 100% controlled by Neutron because the resources can
> clash. You can't manually create an IPAM register in the DB because that
> will disable one IP address. The same for OVN: you can't manually create a
> LRP in a Logical Switch that provides a Neutron network because this LRP
> will have an IP address. If a new Neutron port is created and it uses the
> same IP address of the existing LRP (that doesn't exist in Neutron), the
> new port will be considered virtual and won't be able to be used in a VM
> (this is an actual problem I found in a customer last week). So no, Neutron
> should not allow other resources in OVN apart from what Neutron creates.
I understand and it makes sense. However, what would be the options? no
other existing solution reinjects routes at the SDN level. The main reason
to use OVN-IC is for the router to "learn" the remote routes, if that is
not possible from a Neutron perspective and we have to create static route
entries manually (via OpenStack) maybe this makes the OVN-IC solution
> On Mon, Jul 17, 2023 at 6:13 PM Roberto Bartzen Acosta <
> roberto.acosta at luizalabs.com> wrote:
>> Hi Rodolfo,
>> Em seg., 17 de jul. de 2023 às 11:30, Rodolfo Alonso Hernandez <
>> ralonsoh at redhat.com> escreveu:
>>> Ok, I'll ask again for the tool/script/manual used to make the IC
>>> connection. I will also ask again for the NB-IC database resources and the
>>> NB resources needed, and how are related.
>> To be clear, this tool doesn't exist yet and we are working on the design
>> of the software solution [1]. For now, the tests were performed using
>> manual commands, such as those described in the RFE link and very similar
>> to the case applied by the ovn-kube to use OVN-IC with OpenStack - Neutron
>> [2].
>> The main idea is to develop an external layer interface with an API/SDK
>> and an internal layer interface with the OVN-IC-NB global database and the
>> OpenStack/AZ OVN-NB database [1].
>> [1]
>> https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yx66YcxNMH_oB11--0-_0eZzmBJHu-Ox/view?usp=sharing
>> [2]
>> https://github.com/kubeovn/kube-ovn/blob/v1.11.0/docs/cluster-interconnection.md
>>> If you want Neutron to handle these resources, then you don't need
>>> anything special: you can add an external network, handled only by one
>>> project. Inside this project you can create the needed resources: networks,
>>> routers, etc. This project/user (controlled by the sysadmin), won't create
>>> any VM on these networks/routers. Then you can use these resources to
>>> connect the TS.
>> In my opinion the answer would be: yes and no, this approach would work
>> for isolated cases, but think on a larger scale: how many external networks
>> would need to be managed at the IP Fabric level? what is the service type?
>> vlan (we would have segmentation limits) vxlan (we would have to extend the
>> L2 domain across the entire IP fabric) virtual? . I don't know, there are
>> many questions here. Felix can explain better and propose an RFE in the
>> future. Even so, Neutron would need a filter to not delete the static
>> routes learned by the router (the different proposals can be
>> complementary...)
>> About the proposed RFE, do you see any problem if Neutron deletes from
>> the OVN only what it manages?
>>> On Mon, Jul 17, 2023 at 3:10 PM Roberto Bartzen Acosta <
>>> roberto.acosta at luizalabs.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi Felix and Rodolfo,
>>>> Em seg., 17 de jul. de 2023 às 05:39, Rodolfo Alonso Hernandez <
>>>> ralonsoh at redhat.com> escreveu:
>>>>> Hello Felix:
>>>>> That's the point: the launchpad bug describes the registers created by
>>>>> the IC configuration but these registers do not have any identification
>>>>> that informs about their relationship with the IC TS.
>>>>> Rather than modifying the Neutron resources (a network is a generic
>>>>> resource that is used by multiple backends), I would try to create a NB-IC
>>>>> resource map and the corresponding NB registers (NAT, LRP and LRSR). If you
>>>>> can link a NB-IC TS with the corresponding NB resources, then the problem
>>>>> is fixed because knowing them we can explicitly skip them from the DB sync
>>>>> tool.
>>>>> If that is not the case, then please present an alternative with the
>>>>> suggested idea of creating an external network type.
>>>>> BTW, I don't understand why you first say that "created by tools not
>>>>> necessarily controlled by us we need to avoid changing them", but then you
>>>>> are talking about refactoring these tools. Are we talking about the tools
>>>>> that create these IC configurations? Can you share them?
>>>> I think we are talking about two different cases.
>>>> 1 - This proposed RFE intends to solve the problem of removing external
>>>> resources and that is enough for the OVN-IC to work in generic scenarios:
>>>> multi tenancy, single external provider, multiple external providers, etc.
>>>> because the OVN-IC will not relate to Neutron's network topology or
>>>> capabilities.
>>>> 2- Felix' suggestion is related to integrating the TS to a network on
>>>> Neutron (some kind of mapping), and in this case, we have a hybrid solution
>>>> with the TS managed by an external tool, and the management of the NAT, LRP
>>>> / TS link with the tenant being done directly on Neutron. For this
>>>> proposal, I believe that the port filter would not be necessary because
>>>> Neutron would know the resource mappings in the OVN-NB, but it seems to me
>>>> a more complex solution.
>>>> The question about case 2 is related to which level we are talking
>>>> about modifying the generic network to map the TS. If it is a network
>>>> provider level, the discussion is one - this case would solve the
>>>> schedule/lrp-set-gateway-chassis problem as it would be a gateway port.
>>>> but if it is a tenant' network level linked to a router / no gateway
>>>> port (the discussion would be another) - does not solve the gateway port
>>>> problem, but it seems closer to what the OVN-IC proposes to do at the
>>>> network L3 interconnect level).
>>>> BTW: in case the TS is connected to an external network, we would need
>>>> an additional router for external/internet connectivity not related to the
>>>> OVN-IC, or maybe create a router with multiple gateway ports (that doesn't
>>>> exist yet)...
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Roberto
>>>>> Regards.
>>>>> On Mon, Jul 17, 2023 at 8:43 AM Felix Huettner
>>>>> <felix.huettner at mail.schwarz> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi everyone,
>>>>>> On Thu, Jul 13, 2023 at 07:29:51PM -0300, Roberto Bartzen Acosta
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> > Hi Rodolfo,
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > Em qui., 13 de jul. de 2023 às 13:45, Rodolfo Alonso Hernandez <
>>>>>> > ralonsoh at redhat.com> escreveu:
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > > Hello Roberto:
>>>>>> > >
>>>>>> > > I think you have provided a very detailed explanation of the
>>>>>> issue but you
>>>>>> > > still didn't present any possible solution. I would ask you at
>>>>>> least for a
>>>>>> > > proposal and for specific details of what is failing in the OVN
>>>>>> sync tool.
>>>>>> > >
>>>>>> > > For example, if you add a TS between two clouds, you'll need to
>>>>>> create (1)
>>>>>> > > routers (NAT registers), (2) router ports (LRP) and (3) some
>>>>>> static routes
>>>>>> > > (LRSR). All these elements are monitored by the DB sync tool and
>>>>>> will fail
>>>>>> > > because the counterparts in the Neutron DB don't exist. I guess
>>>>>> that you
>>>>>> > > have some script or tool or at least a document to manually add
>>>>>> these
>>>>>> > > resources; sharing it could help to find a solution.
>>>>>> > >
>>>>>> > > If these elements are manually created during the deployment
>>>>>> phase, you
>>>>>> > > can also control the information provided. I'm thinking about the
>>>>>> > > "external_ids" field; we can push some defined constant that will
>>>>>> make
>>>>>> > > these registers transparent to the OVN DB sync tool.
>>>>>> As these resources are also created by tools not necessarily
>>>>>> controlled
>>>>>> by us we need to avoid changing them.
>>>>>> I would therefor propose to not add a "ignore" constant to the
>>>>>> "external_ids", to to rather check for the existence of the neutron
>>>>>> keys
>>>>>> in "external_ids" (i think thats also what is described in the bug
>>>>>> below).
>>>> Thanks for the contribution Felix. The idea is not to add (or at least
>>>> not expect it to be externally added) any identification in the
>>>> external_ids, Neutron should only filter for DB consistency validation what
>>>> it knows and has created by Neuron -> Neutron in the external ids key.
>>>>> > >
>>>>>> > > Please check this idea and if it is feasible. In that case,
>>>>>> please add a
>>>>>> > > topic to the Neutron drivers meeting agenda [1] to discuss it.
>>>>>> > >
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > That sounds good, thanks.
>>>>>> > https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/2027742
>>>>>> From my perspective there is also an additional step after the above
>>>>>> REF. Currently it just makes it possible to use ovn-ic without neutron
>>>>>> killing it.
>>>>>> However if we could get neutron to treat a Transit Switch as a
>>>>>> external
>>>>>> network we would skip the need to implement the NAT, LRP and LRSR
>>>>>> logic
>>>>>> in custom tooling and could use the existing neutron code. This would
>>>>>> probably require creating a custom type of provider network and then
>>>>>> specifying the transit switch name in the provider options.
>>>>>> Is that something that from your perspective we should take a look at
>>>>>> right away, or rather first focus und neutron not burning the transit
>>>>>> switch.
>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>> Felix
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > Regards,
>>>>>> > Roberto
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > >
>>>>>> > > Regards.
>>>>>> > >
>>>>>> > > [1]https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/NeutronDrivers
>>>>>> > >
>>>>>> > >
>>>>>> > > On Wed, Jul 12, 2023 at 2:12 PM Roberto Bartzen Acosta <
>>>>>> > > roberto.acosta at luizalabs.com> wrote:
>>>>>> > >
>>>>>> > >>
>>>>>> > >>
>>>>>> > >> Em qua., 12 de jul. de 2023 às 09:05, Roberto Bartzen Acosta <
>>>>>> > >> roberto.acosta at luizalabs.com> escreveu:
>>>>>> > >>
>>>>>> > >>> Hi Rodolfo,
>>>>>> > >>>
>>>>>> > >>> Thanks for the feedback.
>>>>>> > >>>
>>>>>> > >>> I liked the idea of having a different network type only to
>>>>>> hold the
>>>>>> > >>> Transit Switches and thus the LRP but it depends on some
>>>>>> factors like
>>>>>> > >>> multi-tenancy.
>>>>>> > >>> From the OVN perspective, the TS is global and will only be
>>>>>> linked to a
>>>>>> > >>> tenant when it is plugged into the tenant router port. My
>>>>>> concern here is
>>>>>> > >>> that if Neutron manages the TS, it will need to assume the
>>>>>> dynamic
>>>>>> > >>> characteristics of this TS function, ovn-ic creates and removes
>>>>>> the TS in
>>>>>> > >>> NB_Global, in addition to plugging and removing ports in this
>>>>>> switch
>>>>>> > >>> according to the network topology. Additionally, Neutron would
>>>>>> still need
>>>>>> > >>> to handle the learned remote routes (which are listed as static
>>>>>> routes from
>>>>>> > >>> the tenant router perspective).
>>>>>> > >>>
>>>>>> > >> sorry: NB_Global -> Northbound Database.
>>>>>> > >>
>>>>>> > >>
>>>>>> > >>> This is an open discussion, Felix can add ideas here.
>>>>>> > >>>
>>>>>> > >>> In general, it seems to me that we have no alternatives for
>>>>>> this type of
>>>>>> > >>> solution other than OVN-IC (note that ovn-bgp-agent does not
>>>>>> learn remote
>>>>>> > >>> routes at the SDN level / OVN).
>>>>>> > >>> OpenStack seems to be designed to run like a "bubble" and this
>>>>>> traffic
>>>>>> > >>> from one VM to another always needs to be routed at the FIP
>>>>>> level and
>>>>>> > >>> external routing layers.
>>>>>> > >>>
>>>>>> > >>> Regards,
>>>>>> > >>> Roberto
>>>>>> > >>>
>>>>>> > >>> Em qua., 12 de jul. de 2023 às 05:11, Rodolfo Alonso Hernandez <
>>>>>> > >>> ralonsoh at redhat.com> escreveu:
>>>>>> > >>>
>>>>>> > >>>> Hello Roberto:
>>>>>> > >>>>
>>>>>> > >>>> We talked about this possible RFE during the PTG [1] but I
>>>>>> don't
>>>>>> > >>>> remember having any proposal. Actually what I remember (and
>>>>>> was written in
>>>>>> > >>>> the etherpad) is that you were going to present an RFE. Can
>>>>>> you explain it
>>>>>> > >>>> briefly?
>>>>>> > >>>>
>>>>>> > >>>> We also talked about the idea, proposed by Felix in the
>>>>>> mailing list,
>>>>>> > >>>> of having a different network type only to hold the Transit
>>>>>> Switches and
>>>>>> > >>>> thus the LRP. If you have a proposal, please present it.
>>>>>> > >>>>
>>>>>> > >>>> Regards.
>>>>>> > >>>>
>>>>>> > >>>> [1]https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/neutron-bobcat-ptg#L506
>>>>>> > >>>>
>>>>>> > >>>> On Tue, Jul 11, 2023 at 10:50 PM Roberto Bartzen Acosta <
>>>>>> > >>>> roberto.acosta at luizalabs.com> wrote:
>>>>>> > >>>>
>>>>>> > >>>>> Hello Neutron folks,
>>>>>> > >>>>>
>>>>>> > >>>>> Regarding the conversation started in March [1] about the use
>>>>>> of OVN
>>>>>> > >>>>> interconnect with Neutron, I would like to evolve the
>>>>>> discussion in
>>>>>> > >>>>> relation to resources allocated by OVN-IC and which are not
>>>>>> managed by
>>>>>> > >>>>> Neutron. In the March PTG [2], the problem related to the
>>>>>> db_sync tool was
>>>>>> > >>>>> presented, and a proposed solution in which Neutron does not
>>>>>> manage these
>>>>>> > >>>>> resources.
>>>>>> > >>>>>
>>>>>> > >>>>> After discussing some architectural designs with
>>>>>> Felix/StackIT, it
>>>>>> > >>>>> seems to make sense to come up with a proposal to change the
>>>>>> mech_driver to
>>>>>> > >>>>> validate the external_ids key and not remove resources
>>>>>> present in the OVN
>>>>>> > >>>>> backend without Neutron "signature".
>>>>>> > >>>>>
>>>>>> > >>>>> The discussion here is more complex than it seems, because
>>>>>> > >>>>> architecturally Neutron does not allow us to interconnect
>>>>>> workloads in
>>>>>> > >>>>> multiple AZs (with different OpenStacks), but this could be a
>>>>>> requirement
>>>>>> > >>>>> for a high availability cloud solution (Cloud Region).
>>>>>> Additionally, this
>>>>>> > >>>>> OVN-IC solution allows interconnecting other cloud backends
>>>>>> that use OVN,
>>>>>> > >>>>> in the case of kubernetes with ovn-kube.
>>>>>> > >>>>>
>>>>>> > >>>>> We tested an OVN interconnect integrated with 3 OpenStack
>>>>>> > >>>>> installations and it worked very well !!! considering direct
>>>>>> L3 traffic at
>>>>>> > >>>>> the router level between different network infrastructures.
>>>>>> > >>>>>
>>>>>> > >>>>> SYNC_REPAIR - problem
>>>>>> > >>>>>
>>>>>> > >>>>> * Static Routes (learned OVN-IC routes)
>>>>>> > >>>>> * Router Port -> Transit Switches
>>>>>> > >>>>>
>>>>>> > >>>>> Jul 10 18:34:11 os-infra-1-neutron-server-container-845157ae
>>>>>> > >>>>> neutron-server[8632]: 2023-07-10 18:34:11.343 8632 WARNING
>>>>>> > >>>>> neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.ovn.mech_driver.ovsdb.ovn_db_sync
>>>>>> > >>>>> [req-8d513732-f932-47b8-bc2c-937958c30f47 - - - - -] Router
>>>>>> Port found in
>>>>>> > >>>>> OVN but not in Neutron, port_id=rt2-admin-tenant1
>>>>>> > >>>>> Jul 10 18:34:11 os-infra-1-neutron-server-container-845157ae
>>>>>> > >>>>> neutron-server[8632]: 2023-07-10 18:34:11.343 8632 WARNING
>>>>>> > >>>>> neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.ovn.mech_driver.ovsdb.ovn_db_sync
>>>>>> > >>>>> [req-8d513732-f932-47b8-bc2c-937958c30f47 - - - - -] Router
>>>>>> > >>>>> 9823d34b-bb2a-480c-b3f6-cf51fd19db52 static routes
>>>>>> [{'destination': '
>>>>>> > >>>>>', 'nexthop': ''}, {'destination': '
>>>>>> > >>>>>', 'nexthop': ''}] found in OVN but
>>>>>> not in
>>>>>> > >>>>> Neutron
>>>>>> > >>>>>
>>>>>> > >>>>>
>>>>>> > >>>>> Any suggestions on how to resolve this db_sync issue? since
>>>>>> all other
>>>>>> > >>>>> Neutron modules did not present any problem with OVN-IC (as
>>>>>> far as I
>>>>>> > >>>>> tested).
>>>>>> > >>>>> I remember Terry was keen to suggest some things to help. I
>>>>>> believe
>>>>>> > >>>>> that before proposing some complex mechanism to solve this
>>>>>> simple problem,
>>>>>> > >>>>> I would like to hear the community opinion. In our use case,
>>>>>> a bit change
>>>>>> > >>>>> in db_sync with filter by neutron key in external_ids would
>>>>>> be enough.
>>>>>> > >>>>>
>>>>>> > >>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> > >>>>> Roberto
>>>>>> > >>>>>
>>>>>> > >>>>>
>>>>>> > >>>>>
>>>>>> > >>>>> [1]
>>>>>> > >>>>>
>>>>>> https://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2023-March/032624.html
>>>>>> > >>>>> [2] https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/neutron-bobcat-ptg
>>>>>> > >>>>>
>>>>>> > >>>>>
>>>>>> > >>>>>
>>>>>> > >>>>> Additional logs:
>>>>>> > >>>>>
>>>>>> > >>>>> OpenStack 1
>>>>>> > >>>>>
>>>>>> > >>>>> root at os-infra-1-neutron-ovn-northd-container-f931b37c:~#
>>>>>> > >>>>> root at os-infra-1-neutron-ovn-northd-container-f931b37c:~#
>>>>>> > >>>>> root at os-infra-1-neutron-ovn-northd-container-f931b37c:~#
>>>>>> ovn-nbctl
>>>>>> > >>>>> lr-route-list 6b776115-746a-4c59-aa73-6674c70b3498
>>>>>> > >>>>> IPv4 Routes
>>>>>> > >>>>> Route Table <main>:
>>>>>> > >>>>> dst-ip
>>>>>> (learned)
>>>>>> > >>>>> dst-ip
>>>>>> (learned)
>>>>>> > >>>>> dst-ip
>>>>>> > >>>>>
>>>>>> > >>>>> IPv6 Routes
>>>>>> > >>>>> Route Table <main>:
>>>>>> > >>>>> ::/0 fc00:ca5a:ca5a:8000:: dst-ip
>>>>>> > >>>>> root at os-infra-1-neutron-ovn-northd-container-f931b37c:~#
>>>>>> ovn-nbctl
>>>>>> > >>>>> lr-route-list 23d4552a-62c4-40e1-8bae-d06af3489c07
>>>>>> > >>>>> IPv4 Routes
>>>>>> > >>>>> Route Table <main>:
>>>>>> > >>>>> dst-ip
>>>>>> (learned)
>>>>>> > >>>>> dst-ip
>>>>>> (learned)
>>>>>> > >>>>> dst-ip
>>>>>> > >>>>>
>>>>>> > >>>>> IPv6 Routes
>>>>>> > >>>>> Route Table <main>:
>>>>>> > >>>>> ::/0 fc00:ca5a:ca5a:8000:: dst-ip
>>>>>> > >>>>> root at os-infra-1-neutron-ovn-northd-container-f931b37c:~#
>>>>>> > >>>>>
>>>>>> > >>>>>
>>>>>> > >>>>> OpenStack 2
>>>>>> > >>>>>
>>>>>> > >>>>> root at os-infra-1-neutron-ovn-northd-container-30f7e935:~#
>>>>>> ovn-nbctl
>>>>>> > >>>>> lr-route-list dc1e5008-adb9-451e-8b71-09388f3680bc
>>>>>> > >>>>> IPv4 Routes
>>>>>> > >>>>> Route Table <main>:
>>>>>> > >>>>> dst-ip
>>>>>> (learned)
>>>>>> > >>>>> dst-ip
>>>>>> (learned)
>>>>>> > >>>>> dst-ip
>>>>>> > >>>>>
>>>>>> > >>>>> IPv6 Routes
>>>>>> > >>>>> Route Table <main>:
>>>>>> > >>>>> ::/0 fc00:ca5a:ca5a:8000:: dst-ip
>>>>>> > >>>>> root at os-infra-1-neutron-ovn-northd-container-30f7e935:~#
>>>>>> ovn-nbctl
>>>>>> > >>>>> lr-route-list ce45f681-6454-43fe-974f-81344bb8113a
>>>>>> > >>>>> IPv4 Routes
>>>>>> > >>>>> Route Table <main>:
>>>>>> > >>>>> dst-ip
>>>>>> (learned)
>>>>>> > >>>>> dst-ip
>>>>>> (learned)
>>>>>> > >>>>> dst-ip
>>>>>> > >>>>>
>>>>>> > >>>>> IPv6 Routes
>>>>>> > >>>>> Route Table <main>:
>>>>>> > >>>>> ::/0 fc00:ca5a:ca5a:8000:: dst-ip
>>>>>> > >>>>>
>>>>>> > >>>>>
>>>>>> > >>>>>
>>>>>> > >>>>> OpenStack 3
>>>>>> > >>>>>
>>>>>> > >>>>> root at os-infra-1-neutron-ovn-northd-container-f237db97:~#
>>>>>> > >>>>> root at os-infra-1-neutron-ovn-northd-container-f237db97:~#
>>>>>> ovn-nbctl
>>>>>> > >>>>> lr-route-list cfa259d6-311f-4409-bcf2-79a929835cb3
>>>>>> > >>>>> IPv4 Routes
>>>>>> > >>>>> Route Table <main>:
>>>>>> > >>>>> dst-ip
>>>>>> (learned)
>>>>>> > >>>>> dst-ip
>>>>>> (learned)
>>>>>> > >>>>> dst-ip
>>>>>> > >>>>>
>>>>>> > >>>>> IPv6 Routes
>>>>>> > >>>>> Route Table <main>:
>>>>>> > >>>>> ::/0 fc00:ca5a:ca5a:8000:: dst-ip
>>>>>> > >>>>> root at os-infra-1-neutron-ovn-northd-container-f237db97:~#
>>>>>> ovn-nbctl
>>>>>> > >>>>> lr-route-list c5a4dcd8-b9a6-4397-a7cf-88bc1e01b0b0
>>>>>> > >>>>> IPv4 Routes
>>>>>> > >>>>> Route Table <main>:
>>>>>> > >>>>> dst-ip
>>>>>> (learned)
>>>>>> > >>>>> dst-ip
>>>>>> (learned)
>>>>>> > >>>>> dst-ip
>>>>>> > >>>>>
>>>>>> > >>>>> IPv6 Routes
>>>>>> > >>>>> Route Table <main>:
>>>>>> > >>>>> ::/0 fc00:ca5a:ca5a:8000:: dst-ip
>>>>>> > >>>>>
>>>>>> > >>>>>
>>>>>> > >>>>> OVN-IC Global database
>>>>>> > >>>>>
>>>>>> > >>>>> root at ovn-global-db1:~# ovn-ic-sbctl show
>>>>>> > >>>>> availability-zone osp1
>>>>>> > >>>>> gateway 832b6c0d-13ce-4600-ab37-78516d8ec4c5
>>>>>> > >>>>> hostname: osp1-gwnode1
>>>>>> > >>>>> type: geneve
>>>>>> > >>>>> ip:
>>>>>> > >>>>> port admin-rt1-tenant1
>>>>>> > >>>>> transit switch: admin-tenant1
>>>>>> > >>>>> address: ["aa:aa:aa:aa:bb:01
>>>>>> fe80::1/64"]
>>>>>> > >>>>> port admin-rt1-tenant1_1
>>>>>> > >>>>> transit switch: admin-tenant1_1
>>>>>> > >>>>> address: ["aa:aa:aa:aa:dd:01"]
>>>>>> > >>>>> availability-zone osp2
>>>>>> > >>>>> gateway 17ffabdf-cf47-41ab-9539-d326c13c4ca8
>>>>>> > >>>>> hostname: osp2-gwnode1
>>>>>> > >>>>> type: geneve
>>>>>> > >>>>> ip:
>>>>>> > >>>>> port admin-rt2-tenant1
>>>>>> > >>>>> transit switch: admin-tenant1
>>>>>> > >>>>> address: ["aa:aa:aa:aa:bb:02
>>>>>> fe80::2/64"]
>>>>>> > >>>>> port admin-rt2-tenant1_1
>>>>>> > >>>>> transit switch: admin-tenant1_1
>>>>>> > >>>>> address: ["aa:aa:aa:aa:dd:02"]
>>>>>> > >>>>> availability-zone osp3
>>>>>> > >>>>> gateway 97595af9-7896-40d0-a883-beadbff1aa5b
>>>>>> > >>>>> hostname: osp3-gwnode1
>>>>>> > >>>>> type: geneve
>>>>>> > >>>>> ip:
>>>>>> > >>>>> port admin-rt3-tenant1
>>>>>> > >>>>> transit switch: admin-tenant1
>>>>>> > >>>>> address: ["aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:03
>>>>>> fe80::3/64"]
>>>>>> > >>>>> port admin-rt3-tenant1_1
>>>>>> > >>>>> transit switch: admin-tenant1_1
>>>>>> > >>>>> address: ["aa:aa:aa:aa:dd:03"]
>>>>>> > >>>>>
>>>>>> > >>>>>
>>>>>> > >>>>>
>>>>>> > >>>>>
>>>>>> > >>>>>
>>>>>> > >>>>>
>>>>>> > >>>>>
>>>>>> > >>>>> *‘Esta mensagem é direcionada apenas para os endereços
>>>>>> constantes no
>>>>>> > >>>>> cabeçalho inicial. Se você não está listado nos endereços
>>>>>> constantes no
>>>>>> > >>>>> cabeçalho, pedimos-lhe que desconsidere completamente o
>>>>>> conteúdo dessa
>>>>>> > >>>>> mensagem e cuja cópia, encaminhamento e/ou execução das ações
>>>>>> citadas estão
>>>>>> > >>>>> imediatamente anuladas e proibidas’.*
>>>>>> > >>>>>
>>>>>> > >>>>> *‘Apesar do Magazine Luiza tomar todas as precauções
>>>>>> razoáveis para
>>>>>> > >>>>> assegurar que nenhum vírus esteja presente nesse e-mail, a
>>>>>> empresa não
>>>>>> > >>>>> poderá aceitar a responsabilidade por quaisquer perdas ou
>>>>>> danos causados
>>>>>> > >>>>> por esse e-mail ou por seus anexos’.*
>>>>>> > >>>>>
>>>>>> > >>>>
>>>>>> > >>
>>>>>> > >> *‘Esta mensagem é direcionada apenas para os endereços
>>>>>> constantes no
>>>>>> > >> cabeçalho inicial. Se você não está listado nos endereços
>>>>>> constantes no
>>>>>> > >> cabeçalho, pedimos-lhe que desconsidere completamente o conteúdo
>>>>>> dessa
>>>>>> > >> mensagem e cuja cópia, encaminhamento e/ou execução das ações
>>>>>> citadas estão
>>>>>> > >> imediatamente anuladas e proibidas’.*
>>>>>> > >>
>>>>>> > >> *‘Apesar do Magazine Luiza tomar todas as precauções razoáveis
>>>>>> para
>>>>>> > >> assegurar que nenhum vírus esteja presente nesse e-mail, a
>>>>>> empresa não
>>>>>> > >> poderá aceitar a responsabilidade por quaisquer perdas ou danos
>>>>>> causados
>>>>>> > >> por esse e-mail ou por seus anexos’.*
>>>>>> > >>
>>>>>> > >
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > --
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >
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>>>>>> > imediatamente anuladas e proibidas’._
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > * **‘Apesar do Magazine Luiza tomar
>>>>>> > todas as precauções razoáveis para assegurar que nenhum vírus esteja
>>>>>> > presente nesse e-mail, a empresa não poderá aceitar a
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>>>>>> > quaisquer perdas ou danos causados por esse e-mail ou por seus
>>>>>> anexos’.*
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>>>> *‘Apesar do Magazine Luiza tomar todas as precauções razoáveis para
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>> *‘Apesar do Magazine Luiza tomar todas as precauções razoáveis para
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>> poderá aceitar a responsabilidade por quaisquer perdas ou danos causados
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_‘Esta mensagem é direcionada apenas para os endereços constantes no
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mensagem e cuja cópia, encaminhamento e/ou execução das ações citadas estão
imediatamente anuladas e proibidas’._
* **‘Apesar do Magazine Luiza tomar
todas as precauções razoáveis para assegurar que nenhum vírus esteja
presente nesse e-mail, a empresa não poderá aceitar a responsabilidade por
quaisquer perdas ou danos causados por esse e-mail ou por seus anexos’.*
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