[neutron][kolla] Do neutron agents in compute nodes connect to neutron database ?

Slawek Kaplonski skaplons at redhat.com
Tue Jan 31 11:12:04 UTC 2023


Dnia wtorek, 31 stycznia 2023 11:45:51 CET ZAOUAM Soufian (EXT) pisze:
> Hi all,
> Do neutron agents in compute nodes have to connect to neutron database ?
> We are maintaining an Openstack using kolla-ansible (ussuri version).
> We noticed that the 4 neutron agents on compute nodes: neutron-l3-agent, neutron-metadata-agent, neutron-openvswitch-agent, neutron-dhcp-agent are all using the same neutron.conf config file, but we are wondering if they actually use [database] or is it redundant ?
> If no, is it safe to remove the [database] section from the neutron.conf for these agents?

It's safe to remove that section. Only neutron-server is connecting to database. Agents are communicating with neutron-server through RPC.

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Slawek Kaplonski
Principal Software Engineer
Red Hat
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