[cinder][operators][vendors] Vancouver PTG attendance

Rajat Dhasmana rdhasman at redhat.com
Tue Feb 28 07:22:49 UTC 2023

Hello everyone,

The physical PTG for 2023.2 (Bobcat) cycle is going to be held in Vancouver
from 13-15 June, 2023[1].  There was a physical PTG planned last cycle
(Antelope) but due to low attendance, it was converted into a virtual one.
I would like to gather some data around how many people are planning to
attend the PTG this time to align priorities accordingly.

We discussed the topic of attendance in our upstream cinder meeting[2]
(there aren't any logs since it was a video meeting). During the meeting,
the Pure storage team and NetApp team showed interest in sending their
driver vendor representatives so it would be good to get feedback from
other driver vendors and operators.

Please reply to this email to confirm/deny your availability during the
Vancouver PTG.

[1] https://openinfra.dev/ptg/

Rajat Dhasmana
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