[neutron] [kolla-ansible] alembic mismatch, schema differences

Gregory Orange gregory.orange at pawsey.org.au
Thu Apr 6 01:59:24 UTC 2023

Hi all,

We've caused ourselves some bother with our neutron database, and I 
found the following thread instructive, so I hope we can get some help 
to resolve the bother.

We're running kolla-ansible train (yes, upgrades planned). We wanted to 
test something with a wallaby container, and while mainly just pulling 
train versions of containers on a single compute node, we also changed 
openstack_release variable to wallaby in globals.yml - this was the mistake.

Later that day, we ran kolla-ansible deploy --limit $HOST for a new 
compute node. We stopped at the following error, realising the above 
2023-04-05 12:25:50.487 7 ERROR nova 
nova.exception.TooOldComputeService: Current Nova version does not 
support computes older than Victoria but the minimum compute service 
level in your cell is 40 and the oldest supported service level is 52.
2023-04-05 12:25:50.487 7 ERROR nova

Now when we deploy a node it gets to task "Running Neutron bootstrap 
container" and gives error:
"alembic.script.revision.ResolutionError: No such revision or branch 

Using insight from the above list thread, I fetched DB entries:
MariaDB [neutron]> select * from alembic_version;
| version_num  |
| 5c85685d616d |
| 6135a7bd4425 |

Running the same from the test cluster which was deployed in the same way:
MariaDB [neutron]> select * from alembic_version;
| version_num  |
| 5c85685d616d |
| c613d0b82681 |

Also, comparing `neutron-db-manage history --verbose` across the two 
clusters, output is the same in both test and prod, except for the order 
of 2 lines:
-Branches into: 56893333aa52, 30018084ed99
-Branches into: c40fbb377ad, 67c8e8d61d5
+Branches into: 30018084ed99, 56893333aa52
+Branches into: 67c8e8d61d5, c40fbb377ad

Finally, I looked at the schema of the neutron database across the two. 
There are significant differences.
for i in `mysql neutron -bNe "show tables;"`; do echo "TABLE: $i"; mysql 
neutron -e "desc $i;"; done > prod-neutron-descs
Repeat for test.
$ cat prod-neutron-descs | nc termbin.com 9999
$ cat test-neutron-descs | nc termbin.com 9999

Our cluster and Neutron in particular is operating fine, but we can't 
deploy new nodes to it.

May I have some help on how to resolve this?

Thank you,

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