cpu metric not getting created for resource instance

Swogat Pradhan swogatpradhan22 at gmail.com
Wed Sep 14 13:13:26 UTC 2022

I am trying out the heat autoscalling and i am facing an issue where the
instance created doesn't have cpu metric (enabled in ceilometer
polling.yaml file)
(overcloud) [stack at hkg2director ~]$ gnocchi resource show
| Field                 | Value
| created_by_project_id | 7c9659572662449da4906cc77b33f21b
| created_by_user_id    | 4cb066d9701440dea941c5157186d06d
| creator               |
4cb066d9701440dea941c5157186d06d:7c9659572662449da4906cc77b33f21b   |
| ended_at              | None
| id                    | 130a0dfd-4e43-4373-ad0c-b5ffd4fcca95
| metrics               | compute.instance.booting.time:
c0f77048-a85d-48a3-92cd-cdca50b341e8 |
|                       | disk.ephemeral.size:
46d77e5d-aba1-4b93-92eb-3a97f9512a3c           |
|                       | disk.root.size:
3f60cb9f-9c06-4ccc-b47d-d2ca899fe5ea                |
|                       | memory: 97f796ed-c26c-4625-8670-64cf004a7b26
|                       | vcpus: 513908f9-1bba-429e-8106-3bf933f04a76
| original_resource_id  | 130a0dfd-4e43-4373-ad0c-b5ffd4fcca95
| project_id            | 5d922243077045c48fe4b075e386551b
| revision_end          | None
| revision_start        | 2022-09-14T13:00:53.216445+00:00
| started_at            | 2022-09-14T12:57:21.846635+00:00
| type                  | instance
| user_id               | c1905e3c5a374924980e851840e7f028

For other instances also i do not see any cpu metric.
Now the issue is as cpu metric is not getting created the alarm is not
getting any data from the VM in terms of cpu usage and my autoscaling
feature is failing.

Please suggest how to fix this issue.

With regards,
Swogat Pradhan
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