Kolla-ansible Openstack : Queries on Metering and Rating Module

KK CHN kkchn.in at gmail.com
Fri Sep 2 07:32:31 UTC 2022

I have installed   all-in-one  using  Kolla-ansible  wallaby on a Virtual
Machine (Debian 10)

By default configurations up and running are able to create VMs .. with the
default Cirros image.

I want the  Metering and Billing modules for a deployment scenario.  So I
used this setup as a PILOT and use  ceilometer with cloudkitty and

I have enabled ( correct me If I am wrong or missing any other  directives
for  metering and rating  other than this if required  =>
 enable_ceilometer : "yes"    enable_cloudkitty : "yes" enable_gnocchi :
"yes" ,  enable_horizon_cloudkitty : "{{ enable_cloudkitty |bool }}"
 cloudkitty_collector_backend: "gnocchi"

in   /etc/kolla/globals.yml

Then re deployed  the  all in one    $  ( (venvopenstack) cloud at wallaby:~$
kolla-ansible -i ./all-in-one bootstrap-servers ,   (venvopenstack)
cloud at Xena:~$ kolla-ansible -i ./all-in-one prechecks, (venvopenstack)
cloud at Xena:~$ kolla-ansible -i ./all-in-one deploy )  .. All went well up
and able to access horizon dashboard.

How to view the metrics and ratings  ::

 I am able to get   Admin => Rating tab
Enabled the three  Rating Modules there. (Hashmap, noop, pyscripts) ..

Rating Summary  :   I am getting as below
All  CloudTotal   0
LL <> Cloud Total
<> 0

Hashmap and  pyscrips  tab nothing to view ,  its empty.

How can I use this Rating module and how to get useful values there ?
Or  is there any other configurations I have to make to get a better
metering and billing  utility using these tools.

Kindly share your tips and expertise with these tools.

What / where to refer to get a nice Rating/metering configurations using
these tools.( Or do I need to enable / configure more directives or
resources ??)

I have not seen a highly populated  Rating Module interface in Horizon so
it should be. Any reference images and configurations are most welcome.

Thank you,
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