[Kolla-ansible][Xena] How to update an Openstack deployment with new containers?

wodel youchi wodel.youchi at gmail.com
Wed Oct 26 10:16:02 UTC 2022


The documentation of kolla-ansible Xena does not talk about updating an
existing Xena deployment with new containers.

Could you please help with this?

I found some lines about that in Yoga version, saying that, to update an
existing deployment you have to :
1 - Update kolla-ansible it self :
$ source xenavenv
(xenavenv) $ pip install --upgrade git+

2 - Update the container Images with Docker pull

3 - Update my local registry if I am using one, and in my case I am, so I
deleted the registry images then I recreated them.

4 - Then finally deploy again

(xenavenv) $ kolla-ansible -i multinode deploy

Is this the right procedure? because I followed the same procedure and I
think it didn't change anything.

For example I am taking nova-libvirt container as and example, in my local
registry I have this :
[root at rcdndeployer2 ~]# docker images | grep nova-libvirt
                       xena             5be83d680102   31 hours ago   2.
                                 xena             *5be83d680102*   *31
hours ago *  2.

[root at rcdndeployer2 ~]# docker inspect -f '{{ .Created }}' *5be83d680102 *

But in my compute nodes I have this :
root at computehci24 ~]# docker ps | grep nova-lib
      "dumb-init --single-…"   *5 months ag**o   Up Up 5 months (healthy)

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