Hi, Sorry to bother. I get the stupid reason. I use a too small RAM. If I use a usual RAM, I can get a instance. Thank you . 韩光宇 <hanguangyu2 at gmail.com> 于2022年11月23日周三 22:38写道: > > Hi, all > > I download ubuntu focal-server-cloudimg-amd64.img from officail website[1]. > > And when I use it to creae instance, I can access the grub interface > in horizon vnc. But if I choose "Ubuntu", I get: > error: cannot allocate kernel buffer. > error: you need to load the kernel first. > > Can I get some advice on how I should use it properly to create instances > > > > [1] https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/focal/20221121/focal-server-cloudimg-amd64.img