Need assistance

Gk Gk ygk.kmr at
Tue Nov 8 11:03:18 UTC 2022

Hi All,

I have a OSA setup. I am trying to trace the control flow of nova-api using
pdb in the file

My goal is to trace the flow for "nova list --all" command. I am launching
the nova-api service  manually from the command line as follows:

#/openstack/venvs/uwsgi-20.2.1-python3/bin/uwsgi --ini
/etc/uwsgi/nova-api-os-compute.ini   --workers 1

I am executing "nova list --all" command in another terminal.  I have
inserted pdb in as follows:

    def get_all(cls, context, expected_attrs=None):
        import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
        """Returns all instances on all nodes."""
        db_instances = db.instance_get_all(
                context, columns_to_join=_expected_cols(expected_attrs))
        return _make_instance_list(context, cls(), db_instances,

But when I fire the nova list --all command, I see no pdb prompt being
shown in the nova-api window. Can anyone help me how to use the pdb to
trace the flow of control  for "nova list --all" command ?

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