[skyline] SSO support

吴文相 wu.wenxiang at 99cloud.net
Wed May 4 14:41:26 UTC 2022

Hello, Martin


No plans for SSO support yet, you can open a ticket.

We dev team would have a discussion & plan it according to the tickets.






Best Regards

Wenxiang Wu


From: <openstack-discuss-bounces+wu.wenxiang=99cloud.net at lists.openstack.org> on behalf of Martin Chlumsky <martin.chlumsky at gmail.com>
Date: Tuesday, May 3, 2022 at 22:07
To: <openstack-discuss at lists.openstack.org>
Subject: [skyline] SSO support



We are evaluating Skyline and one major blocker is Single sign-on (SSO) support (we currently federate Keystone/Horizon with AzureAD). I searched through the git repositories and couldn't find any relevant mention of SSO or federation (openidc or saml).

Are there plans to support this feature (or is it supported and I just missed it somehow)?

Thank you,


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