[TripleO] Proposing Brendan Shephard and Takashi Kajinami

Rabi Mishra ramishra at redhat.com
Thu Jun 9 02:27:49 UTC 2022

On Thu, Jun 9, 2022 at 1:08 AM James Slagle <james.slagle at gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm formally proposing that we add Brendan Shephard and Takashi Kajinami
> to the core reviewers team for TripleO. Takashi is already considered core
> on puppet-tripleo, and I'm proposing we expand that to all of TripleO, and
> likewise for Brendan.
> They both have been contributing and reviewing for a little while now, and
> I feel it's time to add them to the team. Please +1 or let me know any
> concerns  before Friday June 15th. Thanks!


> --
> -- James Slagle
> --

Rabi Mishra
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