[kolla-ansible][kolla] merge_configs module replacing colon to equal

Sharath Ck sharath.madhava at gmail.com
Tue Jun 7 05:09:27 UTC 2022


In kolla-ansible, I am using the merge_configs module to merge service
configs files. I want to merge api-paste.ini config with my custom changes,
however while merging if a line consists of one colon, it is getting
replaced with equal sign. merge_configs splits the line by considering
colon as delimiter and treats two parts as key and value. Later which will
be substituted as key = value.

*/v2.1: oscomputeversion_v2*
*/v2.1= oscomputeversion_v2  *

Below, colon will be 1 and equal will be -1,

*def _split_key_value(self, line):        colon = line.find(':')
equal = line.find('=')        if colon < 0 and equal < 0:            return
self.error_invalid_assignment(line)        if colon < 0 or (equal >= 0 and
equal < colon):            key, value = line[:equal], line[equal + 1:]
  else:            key, value = line[:colon], line[colon + 1:]        value
= value.strip()        if value and value[0] == value[-1] and
value.startswith(("\"", "'")):            value = value[1:-1]        return
key.strip(), [value]*

I want to keep the config as it is and merge only my custom changes. Please
let me know how to achieve this or colon can be escaped somehow.

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