Novice question at at
Wed Jun 1 13:43:36 UTC 2022

Thanks, Sean. Unfortunately, this is a small (16GB x86).

I did respond with more error messages, but I think they’re probably too obtuse.

> On 30 May 2022, at 12:53, Sean Mooney <smooney at> wrote:
> On Mon, 2022-05-30 at 12:06 +0100, at wrote:
>> Thanks, Michael. Very reassuring. I’ll have a look and comment back.
> if you have an m1 mac i woudl suggest using utm with the ubuntu 20.04 image
> to create a qemu vm whihc will use macos's hypervirio api to hardware acclearte
> the l1 vm. the l2 vms will still use qemu but by using arm based images for the host os
> you can get pretty good perforamce in teh vm and spin up arm based cirrous iamge with nova and get ok performance.
> it will be slower then nested virt but the apple silicon macs dont support that a the hardware level.
> i have mostly for my own use being developing 
> im probably goign to rename that to "ard" by the way in the future if that link does nto work later.
> this repo currently has ansible playbooks that will use the upstream devstack roles we use in ci to deploy multi node devstack
> it can create vms using molecule/vagrant and then run the devstack install.
> so on a linux laptop you can do
> molecule create
> molecule converge
> and that will create a 2 node openstack based on centos 9 stream with master devstack installed and deployed.
> currently the molecule role creates two 8gb vms but i have an example of using it to deploy onto externally provisioned host
> as a pr
> if you continue to have troble deploying devstack by hand perhaps that will be of use to you.
> it not really ready for primetime/general use but if people find it intersting ye are welcome to fork and use as ye see fit.
> the molecule template seamed to set the licence to "BSD" by default. i was plaaing ot make it apache but i guess bsd
> is just as good so i shoudl fix that. 
> anyway i just wanted to point out that UTM is proably beter the virtual box form a performace point of view.
>>> On 27 May 2022, at 20:11, Michael Johnson <johnsomor at> wrote:
>>> Hi Tim,
>>> This should work fine. You will want a localrc/local.conf file to
>>> configure devstack. I didn't see that mentioned in your steps.
>>> See this section in the docs:
>>> The only caveat I would mention is the VM instances in Nova will run
>>> super slow on virtualbox as it lacks the required "nested
>>> virtualization" support and will run them all in software emulation.
>>> To find the root cause of the issue in nova, I would look through the
>>> devstack at n-cpu log file (journal -u devstack at n-cpui) and the
>>> devstack at n-sch logs.
>>> Also, you might have a look at one of the nova test localrc file as an example:
>>> Michael
>>> On Fri, May 27, 2022 at 4:16 AM < at> wrote:
>>>> Hullo
>>>> Naïve question follows. Sorry.
>>>> I’m trying a minimal OS install on a Virtualbox VM on a mac. I’d like to get to the point where I can launch a compute node.  I’ve failed with `packstack` and I’m trying `devstack`.
>>>> Should this work out of the box: ie
>>>> Spin up a vm with vagrant: I’m using Centos Stream 9 to ensure that I get a current(ish) version of Python. It has 9GB RAM
>>>> Ensure that SELinux and firewalls are turned off
>>>> Clone devstack, cd to the directory and run `` as user `vagrant` (this fails 1/3 of the time as some repo or other resets a connection. `` doesn’t seem to be idempotent as reinvoking it may or may not install and run the OS environment
>>>> Upload a ssh keypair through the web interface
>>>> Use the web interface to launch the m1.nano flavor with Cirros image (I think that this flavor is quite new as some of the documentation refers to creating such a flavor with 64MB, whereas this one has 128MB. I did try the 64MB route  [with `packstack`] and concluded that at least 96MB was needed and the documentation was wrong. I couldn’t log into to report this ☹
>>>> At this point the launch process fails with the error message: “Build of instance 157bfa1d-7f8c-4a6c-ba3a-b02fb4f4b6a9 aborted: Failed to allocate the network(s), not rescheduling.” In the web ui
>>>> Afaict, the vm has enough memory (just: it’s using a bit of swap, but more cache, so it could reclaim that).  I’d expected the instance to launch, and I can well believe that I’ve missed something, but the documentation seems to point all over the place for various logs.
>>>> Should this approach work? Is there an alternative that’s better (e.g. use Ubuntu: I’m not keen on apt/dpkg/.deb based distros as I’ve been tripped up in the past over the dependency handling and systemd integration, so I’ve avoided this, but I can see that Canonical is spending money on OS. But so is IBM/Redhat)?  Where can I find info on how to trouble shoot the failing process?
>>>> tia
>>>> Tim

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