Cannot ssh/ping instance

Slawek Kaplonski skaplons at
Sun Jan 9 19:21:07 UTC 2022


On niedziela, 9 stycznia 2022 09:17:18 CET Celinio Fernandes wrote:
> Hi,
> I am running Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS on Virtualbox. I installed OpenStack
> (Xena release) through Devstack. Here is the content of my
> /opt/stack/devstack/local.conf file :
> [[local|localrc]]
> I created an instance through Horizon. The security group contains the
> 2 rules needed (one to be able to ping and one to be able to ssh the
> instance). I also allocated and associated a floating IP address. And a ssh
> key pair.
> Here is the configuration :
> openstack server list
> ---------------------------------+--------------------------+---------+
> | ID   | Name | Status | Networks | Image  | Flavor  |
> ---------------------------------+--------------------------+---------+
> | f5f0fdd5-298b-4fa3-9ee9-e6e4288f4327 | InstanceJanvier | ACTIVE |
> | shared=, | cirros-0.5.2-x86_64-disk | m1.nano
> | |
> ------------------------------------------------------+
> openstack network list :
> ------------------------------------------------------+
> | ID     | Name    | Subnets             |
> ------------------------------------------------------+
> | 96a04799-7fc7-4525-b05c-ad57261aed38 | public  |
> | 07ce42db-6f3f-4135-ace7-2fc104ea62a0, 6dba13fc-b10c-48b1-b1b4-e1f1afe25b53
> | | c42638dc-fa56-4644-ad34-295fce4811d2 | shared  |
> | a4e2d8cc-02b2-42e2-a525-e0eebbb08980                                      
> | | ffb8a527-266e-4e96-ad60-f7e9aba8f0c1 | private |
> | 42e36677-cf3c-4df4-88a1-8cf79b9d6060, e507e6dd-132a-4249-96b1-83761562dd73
> | |
> ------------------------------------------------------+
> openstack router list :
> +--------------------------------------+----------------+--------+------
> | ID    | Name  | Status | State | Project                          |
> +--------------------------------------+----------------+--------+------
> | b9a15051-a532-4c93-95ad-53c057720c62 | Virtual_router | ACTIVE | UP    |
> | 6556c02dd88f4c45b535c2dbb8ba1a04 |
> +--------------------------------------+----------------+--------+------
> I cannot ping/ssh neither the fixed IP address or the floating IP address :
> ping -c 3
> PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
> --- ping statistics ---
> 3 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 2035ms
> ping -c 3
> PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
> --- ping statistics ---
> 3 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 2035ms
> Maybe that has something to do with the network namespaces configuration on
> Ubuntu. Does anyone know what could go wrong or what is missing ?
> Thanks for helping.

If You are trying to ping Floating IP directly from the host where devstack is 
installed (Virtualbox VM in Your case IIUC) then You should first have those 
floating IP addresses somehow reachable on the host, otherwise traffic is 
probably going through default gateway so is going outside the VM.
If You are using ML2/OVN (default in Devstack) or ML2/OVS You probably have in 
the openvswitch bridge called br-ex which is used to send external network 
traffic from the OpenStack networks in Devstack. In such case You can e.g. add 
some IP address from the public network's subnet on the br-ex interface, like - that will tell Your OS to reach that subnet through br-
ex, so traffic will be able to go "into" the OVS managed by Neutron.

Slawek Kaplonski
Principal Software Engineer
Red Hat
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