[Glance] PTL non-candidacy

Abhishek Kekane akekane at redhat.com
Thu Aug 25 07:30:30 UTC 2022

Hi all,

I'm writing this email to let you know that I'm not going to run for Glance
PTL for the Antelope dev cycle, I think it's time for some new ideas and
new approaches so it's a good idea to hand over the hat of PTL to a new
member of the team.

I've been serving Glance PTL since Ussuri, tried my best to keep Glance
stable, lots of changes have been made since then, my initial focus was to
improve glance-tempest coverage which we managed to do in past cycles.

I would like to thank all the members of the Glance team and others for
supporting me during this period. My plan is to stick around, attend to my
duties as a glance core contributor, and support my successor in whatever
way I can to make for a smooth transition.

Thank you once again!

Abhishek Kekane
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