Help with eventlet 0.26.1 and dnspython >= 2

Corey Bryant corey.bryant at
Wed Sep 29 20:11:20 UTC 2021

On Fri, Sep 10, 2021 at 2:11 PM Corey Bryant <corey.bryant at>

> On Wed, Sep 30, 2020 at 11:53 AM Sean Mooney <smooney at> wrote:
>> we do not know if there are other failrue
>> neutron has a spereate issue which was tracked by
>> and nova hit the ssl issue with websockify and eventlets tracked by
>> so the issue is really eventlets is not compatiabley with dnspython 2.0
>> so before openstack can uncap dnspython eventlets need to gain support
>> for dnspython 2.0
>> that should hopefully resolve the issues that nova, neutron and other
>> projects are now hitting.
>> it is unlikely that this is something we can resolve in openstack alone,
>> not unless we are willing to monkeyptych
>> eventlets and other dependcies so really we need to work with eventlets
>> and or dnspython to resolve the incompatiablity
>> caused by the dnspython changes in 2.0
> It looks like there's been some progress on eventlet supporting dnspython
> 2.0:

Does anyone know if there are plans to (attempt to) move to dnspython 2.0
in yoga?

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