Wallaby Magnum Issue
feilong at catalyst.net.nz
Wed Sep 1 03:30:34 UTC 2021
Your cluster failed because of
So please just remove your label "tls_enabled=true" and try again.
On 1/09/21 2:27 pm, Karera Tony wrote:
> Attached are the logs
> Regards
> Tony Karera
> On Wed, Sep 1, 2021 at 4:11 AM Karera Tony <tonykarera at gmail.com
> <mailto:tonykarera at gmail.com>> wrote:
> Hello Feilong,
> I would be happy to join.
> Can you please assist with the link .
> Thanks a lot
> Regards
> Tony Karera
> On Wed, Sep 1, 2021 at 4:04 AM feilong <feilong at catalyst.net.nz
> <mailto:feilong at catalyst.net.nz>> wrote:
> Hi Karera,
> Can you please share all the log under
> /var/log/heat-config/heat-config-script ? Or you can jump in
> #openstack-containers channel on OFTC, I'm online now.
> On 1/09/21 1:51 pm, Karera Tony wrote:
>> Hey Feilong,
>> Thanks a lot.
>> The services are fine and indeed the log files are there in
>> the directory [/var/log/heat-config/heat-config-script]
>> After checking, the master log is fine but the cluster log
>> has this error below as I had mentioned earlier
>> Starting to run kube-apiserver-to-kubelet-role
>> + echo 'Waiting for Kubernetes API...'
>> Waiting for Kubernetes API...
>> ++ kubectl get --raw=/healthz
>> The connection to the server localhost:8080 was refused - did
>> you specify the right host or port?
>> + '[' ok = '' ']'
>> Regards
>> Tony Karera
>> On Tue, Aug 31, 2021 at 9:52 PM feilong
>> <feilong at catalyst.net.nz <mailto:feilong at catalyst.net.nz>> wrote:
>> Hi Karea,
>> Given you can see heat-container-agent container from
>> podman which means you should be able to see logs from
>> below path:
>> [root at k8s-100-eh6s5l6d73ie-master-0 heat-config-script]# ls
>> c64e6ac2-db7e-4786-a387-1d45359812b8-k8s-100-eh6s5l6d73ie-kube_cluster_config-uxpsylgnayjy.log
>> fa1f6247-51a8-4e70-befa-cbc61ee99e59-k8s-100-eh6s5l6d73ie-kube_masters-kmi423lgbjw3-0-oii7uzemq7aj-master_config-dhfam54i456j.log
>> [root at k8s-100-eh6s5l6d73ie-master-0 heat-config-script]# pwd
>> /var/log/heat-config/heat-config-script
>> If you can not see the path and the log, then it means
>> the heat-container-agent didn't work well. You need to
>> check the service status by systemctl command and check
>> the log by journalctl. From there, you should be able to
>> see why the cluster failed.
>> On 1/09/21 1:41 am, Karera Tony wrote:
>>> Dear Ammad,
>>> Sorry to bother you again but I have failed to get the
>>> right command to use to check.
>>> Every Kubectl command I run on either the master or worker.
>>> The connection to the server localhost:8080 was refused
>>> - did you specify the right host or port?
>>> I get the error below.
>>> Regards
>>> Tony Karera
>>> On Fri, Aug 27, 2021 at 9:15 AM Ammad Syed
>>> <syedammad83 at gmail.com <mailto:syedammad83 at gmail.com>>
>>> wrote:
>>> Your hyperkube services are not started.
>>> You need to check hyperkube services.
>>> Ammad
>>> On Fri, Aug 27, 2021 at 10:35 AM Karera Tony
>>> <tonykarera at gmail.com <mailto:tonykarera at gmail.com>>
>>> wrote:
>>> Dear Ammad,
>>> Below is the output of podman ps
>>> 319fbebc2f50
>>> docker.io/openstackmagnum/heat-container-agent:wallaby-stable-1
>>> <http://docker.io/openstackmagnum/heat-container-agent:wallaby-stable-1>
>>> /usr/bin/start-he... 23 hours ago Up 23 hours
>>> ago heat-container-agent
>>> [root at k8s-cluster-2-4faiphvzsmzu-master-0 core]#
>>> Regards
>>> Tony Karera
>>> On Thu, Aug 26, 2021 at 9:54 AM Ammad Syed
>>> <syedammad83 at gmail.com
>>> <mailto:syedammad83 at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>> The output in
>>> logfile 29a37aff-f1f6-46b3-8541-887491c6cfe8-k8s-cluster3-dcu52bgzpbuu-kube_masters-ocfrn2ikpcgd-0-32tmkqgdq7wl-master_config-gihyfv3wlyzd
>>> is incomplete.
>>> There should be the installation and
>>> configuration of many other things that are
>>> missing. Also it looks that hyperkube is not
>>> installed.
>>> Can you check the response of "podman ps"
>>> command on master nodes.
>>> Ammad
>>> On Thu, Aug 26, 2021 at 11:30 AM Karera Tony
>>> <tonykarera at gmail.com
>>> <mailto:tonykarera at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>> Here is the beginning of the Log
>>> Starting to run
>>> kube-apiserver-to-kubelet-role
>>> + echo 'Waiting for Kubernetes API...'
>>> Waiting for Kubernetes API...
>>> ++ kubectl get --raw=/healthz
>>> The connection to the server
>>> localhost:8080 was refused - did you
>>> specify the right host or port?
>>> + '[' ok = '' ']'
>>> Regards
>>> Tony Karera
>>> On Thu, Aug 26, 2021 at 7:53 AM Bharat
>>> Kunwar <bharat at stackhpc.com
>>> <mailto:bharat at stackhpc.com>> wrote:
>>> I assume these are from the master
>>> nodes? Can you share the logs
>>> shortly after creation rather than
>>> when it times out? I think there is
>>> some missing logs from the top.
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>> On 26 Aug 2021, at 06:14, Karera
>>>> Tony <tonykarera at gmail.com
>>>> <mailto:tonykarera at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>> Hello Guys,
>>>> Attached are the two logs from the
>>>> /var/log/heat-config/heat-config-script
>>>> directory
>>>> Regards
>>>> Tony Karera
>>>> On Thu, Aug 26, 2021 at 5:59 AM
>>>> Karera Tony <tonykarera at gmail.com
>>>> <mailto:tonykarera at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>> Dear Sir,
>>>> You are right.
>>>> I am getting this error
>>>> kubectl get --raw=/healthz
>>>> The connection to the server
>>>> localhost:8080 was refused -
>>>> did you specify the right host
>>>> or port?
>>>> Regards
>>>> Tony Karera
>>>> On Wed, Aug 25, 2021 at 10:55
>>>> PM Bharat Kunwar
>>>> <bharat at stackhpc.com
>>>> <mailto:bharat at stackhpc.com>>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> I’d check the logs under
>>>> /var/log/heat-config.
>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>>> On 25 Aug 2021, at 19:39,
>>>>> Karera Tony
>>>>> <tonykarera at gmail.com
>>>>> <mailto:tonykarera at gmail.com>>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> DeaR Ammad,
>>>>> I was able to make the
>>>>> communication work and the
>>>>> Worker nodes were created
>>>>> as well but the cluster
>>>>> failed.
>>>>> I logged in to the master
>>>>> node and there was no
>>>>> error but below are the
>>>>> error when I run systemctl
>>>>> status
>>>>> heat-container-agent on
>>>>> the worker noed.
>>>>> Aug 25 17:52:24
>>>>> cluster1-fmkpva3nozf7-node-0
>>>>> podman[2268]:
>>>>> /var/lib/os-collect-config/local-data
>>>>> not found. Skipping
>>>>> Aug 25 17:52:55
>>>>> cluster1-fmkpva3nozf7-node-0
>>>>> podman[2268]:
>>>>> /var/lib/os-collect-config/local-data
>>>>> not found. Skipping
>>>>> Aug 25 17:53:26
>>>>> cluster1-fmkpva3nozf7-node-0
>>>>> podman[2268]:
>>>>> /var/lib/os-collect-config/local-data
>>>>> not found. Skipping
>>>>> Aug 25 17:53:57
>>>>> cluster1-fmkpva3nozf7-node-0
>>>>> podman[2268]:
>>>>> /var/lib/os-collect-config/local-data
>>>>> not found. Skipping
>>>>> Aug 25 17:54:28
>>>>> cluster1-fmkpva3nozf7-node-0
>>>>> podman[2268]:
>>>>> /var/lib/os-collect-config/local-data
>>>>> not found. Skipping
>>>>> Aug 25 17:54:59
>>>>> cluster1-fmkpva3nozf7-node-0
>>>>> podman[2268]:
>>>>> /var/lib/os-collect-config/local-data
>>>>> not found. Skipping
>>>>> Aug 25 17:55:29
>>>>> cluster1-fmkpva3nozf7-node-0
>>>>> podman[2268]:
>>>>> /var/lib/os-collect-config/local-data
>>>>> not found. Skipping
>>>>> Aug 25 17:56:00
>>>>> cluster1-fmkpva3nozf7-node-0
>>>>> podman[2268]:
>>>>> /var/lib/os-collect-config/local-data
>>>>> not found. Skipping
>>>>> Aug 25 17:56:31
>>>>> cluster1-fmkpva3nozf7-node-0
>>>>> podman[2268]:
>>>>> /var/lib/os-collect-config/local-data
>>>>> not found. Skipping
>>>>> Aug 25 17:57:02
>>>>> cluster1-fmkpva3nozf7-node-0
>>>>> podman[2268]:
>>>>> /var/lib/os-collect-config/local-data
>>>>> not found. Skipping
>>>>> Regards
>>>>> Tony Karera
>>>>> On Wed, Aug 25, 2021 at
>>>>> 10:38 AM Ammad Syed
>>>>> <syedammad83 at gmail.com
>>>>> <mailto:syedammad83 at gmail.com>>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Yes, keystone, Heat,
>>>>> Barbicane and magnum
>>>>> public endpoints must
>>>>> be reachable from
>>>>> master and worker nodes.
>>>>> You can use below
>>>>> guide for the
>>>>> reference as well.
>>>>> https://www.server-world.info/en/note?os=Ubuntu_20.04&p=openstack_victoria4&f=11
>>>>> Ammad
>>>>> On Wed, Aug 25, 2021
>>>>> at 12:08 PM Karera
>>>>> Tony
>>>>> <tonykarera at gmail.com
>>>>> <mailto:tonykarera at gmail.com>>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hello Ammad,
>>>>> I have deployed
>>>>> using the given
>>>>> image but I think
>>>>> there is an issue
>>>>> with keystone as
>>>>> per the screen
>>>>> shot below when I
>>>>> checked the master
>>>>> node's
>>>>> heat-container-agent
>>>>> status
>>>>> <image.png>
>>>>> Regards
>>>>> Tony Karera
>>>>> On Wed, Aug 25,
>>>>> 2021 at 8:28 AM
>>>>> Karera Tony
>>>>> <tonykarera at gmail.com
>>>>> <mailto:tonykarera at gmail.com>>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hello Ammad,
>>>>> I actually
>>>>> first used
>>>>> that one and
>>>>> it was also
>>>>> getting stuck.
>>>>> I will try
>>>>> this one again
>>>>> and update you
>>>>> with the Logs
>>>>> though.
>>>>> Regards
>>>>> Tony Karera
>>>>> On Wed, Aug
>>>>> 25, 2021 at
>>>>> 8:25 AM Ammad
>>>>> Syed
>>>>> <syedammad83 at gmail.com
>>>>> <mailto:syedammad83 at gmail.com>>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> It seems
>>>>> from the
>>>>> logs that
>>>>> you are
>>>>> using
>>>>> fedora
>>>>> atomic.
>>>>> Can you
>>>>> try with
>>>>> FCOS 32
>>>>> image.
>>>>> https://builds.coreos.fedoraproject.org/prod/streams/stable/builds/32.20201004.3.0/x86_64/fedora-coreos-32.20201004.3.0-openstack.x86_64.qcow2.xz
>>>>> Ammad
>>>>> On Wed,
>>>>> Aug 25,
>>>>> 2021 at
>>>>> 11:20 AM
>>>>> Karera
>>>>> Tony
>>>>> <tonykarera at gmail.com
>>>>> <mailto:tonykarera at gmail.com>>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hello Sir,
>>>>> Attached
>>>>> is the
>>>>> Log file
>>>>> Regards
>>>>> Tony
>>>>> Karera
>>>>> On
>>>>> Wed,
>>>>> Aug
>>>>> 25,
>>>>> 2021
>>>>> at
>>>>> 7:31
>>>>> AM
>>>>> Ammad
>>>>> Syed
>>>>> <syedammad83 at gmail.com
>>>>> <mailto:syedammad83 at gmail.com>>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Karera,
>>>>> Can
>>>>> you
>>>>> share
>>>>> us
>>>>> the
>>>>> full
>>>>> log
>>>>> file.
>>>>> Ammad
>>>>> On
>>>>> Wed,
>>>>> Aug
>>>>> 25,
>>>>> 2021
>>>>> at
>>>>> 9:42
>>>>> AM
>>>>> Karera
>>>>> Tony
>>>>> <tonykarera at gmail.com
>>>>> <mailto:tonykarera at gmail.com>>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hello
>>>>> Guys,
>>>>> Thanks
>>>>> a
>>>>> lot
>>>>> for
>>>>> the
>>>>> help
>>>>> but
>>>>> unfortunately
>>>>> I
>>>>> dont
>>>>> see
>>>>> much
>>>>> information
>>>>> in
>>>>> the
>>>>> log
>>>>> file
>>>>> indicating
>>>>> a
>>>>> failure
>>>>> apart
>>>>> from
>>>>> the
>>>>> log
>>>>> that
>>>>> keeps
>>>>> appearing.
>>>>> <image.png>
>>>>> Regards
>>>>> Tony
>>>>> Karera
>>>>> On
>>>>> Tue,
>>>>> Aug
>>>>> 24,
>>>>> 2021
>>>>> at
>>>>> 8:12
>>>>> PM
>>>>> Mohammed
>>>>> Naser
>>>>> <mnaser at vexxhost.com
>>>>> <mailto:mnaser at vexxhost.com>>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Also
>>>>> check
>>>>> out
>>>>> /var/log/cloud-init.log
>>>>> :)
>>>>> On
>>>>> Tue,
>>>>> Aug
>>>>> 24,
>>>>> 2021
>>>>> at
>>>>> 1:39
>>>>> PM
>>>>> Ammad
>>>>> Syed
>>>>> <syedammad83 at gmail.com
>>>>> <mailto:syedammad83 at gmail.com>>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
>>>>> Then
>>>>> check
>>>>> journalctl
>>>>> -xe
>>>>> or
>>>>> status
>>>>> of
>>>>> heat
>>>>> agent
>>>>> service
>>>>> status.
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
>>>>> Ammad
>>>>> >
>>>>> On
>>>>> Tue,
>>>>> Aug
>>>>> 24,
>>>>> 2021
>>>>> at
>>>>> 10:36
>>>>> PM
>>>>> Karera
>>>>> Tony
>>>>> <tonykarera at gmail.com
>>>>> <mailto:tonykarera at gmail.com>>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >>
>>>>> Hello
>>>>> Ammad,
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >>
>>>>> There
>>>>> is
>>>>> no
>>>>> directory
>>>>> or
>>>>> log
>>>>> relevant
>>>>> to
>>>>> heat
>>>>> in
>>>>> the
>>>>> /var/log
>>>>> directory
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >>
>>>>> Regards
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >>
>>>>> Tony
>>>>> Karera
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >>
>>>>> On
>>>>> Tue,
>>>>> Aug
>>>>> 24,
>>>>> 2021
>>>>> at
>>>>> 12:43
>>>>> PM
>>>>> Ammad
>>>>> Syed
>>>>> <syedammad83 at gmail.com
>>>>> <mailto:syedammad83 at gmail.com>>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> Hi
>>>>> Karera,
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> Login
>>>>> to
>>>>> master
>>>>> node
>>>>> and
>>>>> check
>>>>> the
>>>>> logs
>>>>> of
>>>>> heat
>>>>> agent
>>>>> in
>>>>> var
>>>>> log.
>>>>> There
>>>>> must
>>>>> be
>>>>> something
>>>>> the
>>>>> cluster
>>>>> is
>>>>> stucking
>>>>> somewhere
>>>>> in
>>>>> creating.
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> Ammad
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> On
>>>>> Tue,
>>>>> Aug
>>>>> 24,
>>>>> 2021
>>>>> at
>>>>> 3:41
>>>>> PM
>>>>> Karera
>>>>> Tony
>>>>> <tonykarera at gmail.com
>>>>> <mailto:tonykarera at gmail.com>>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> Hello
>>>>> Ammad,
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> I
>>>>> had
>>>>> done
>>>>> as
>>>>> explained
>>>>> and
>>>>> it
>>>>> worked
>>>>> upto
>>>>> a
>>>>> certain
>>>>> point.
>>>>> The
>>>>> master
>>>>> node
>>>>> was
>>>>> created
>>>>> but
>>>>> the
>>>>> cluster
>>>>> remained
>>>>> in
>>>>> Creation
>>>>> in
>>>>> progress
>>>>> for
>>>>> over
>>>>> an
>>>>> hour
>>>>> and
>>>>> failed
>>>>> with
>>>>> error
>>>>> below
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> Stack
>>>>> Faults
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> as
>>>>> follows:
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> default-master
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> Timed
>>>>> out
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> default-worker
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> Timed
>>>>> out
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> Regards
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> Tony
>>>>> Karera
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> >>>>
>>>>> On
>>>>> Tue,
>>>>> Aug
>>>>> 24,
>>>>> 2021
>>>>> at
>>>>> 9:25
>>>>> AM
>>>>> Ammad
>>>>> Syed
>>>>> <syedammad83 at gmail.com
>>>>> <mailto:syedammad83 at gmail.com>>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> >>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>
>>>>> Hi
>>>>> Tony,
>>>>> >>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>
>>>>> You
>>>>> can
>>>>> try
>>>>> by
>>>>> creating
>>>>> your
>>>>> private
>>>>> vxlan
>>>>> network
>>>>> prior
>>>>> to
>>>>> deployment
>>>>> of
>>>>> cluster
>>>>> and
>>>>> explicitly
>>>>> create
>>>>> your
>>>>> cluster
>>>>> in
>>>>> vxlan
>>>>> network.
>>>>> >>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>
>>>>> --fixed-network
>>>>> private
>>>>> --fixed-subnet
>>>>> private-subnet
>>>>> >>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>
>>>>> You
>>>>> can
>>>>> specify
>>>>> above
>>>>> while
>>>>> creating
>>>>> a
>>>>> cluster.
>>>>> >>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>
>>>>> Ammad
>>>>> >>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>
>>>>> On
>>>>> Tue,
>>>>> Aug
>>>>> 24,
>>>>> 2021
>>>>> at
>>>>> 11:59
>>>>> AM
>>>>> Karera
>>>>> Tony
>>>>> <tonykarera at gmail.com
>>>>> <mailto:tonykarera at gmail.com>>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> >>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>
>>>>> Hello
>>>>> MOhamed,
>>>>> >>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>
>>>>> I
>>>>> think
>>>>> the
>>>>> Kubernetes
>>>>> cluster
>>>>> is
>>>>> ok
>>>>> but
>>>>> it
>>>>> when
>>>>> I
>>>>> deploy
>>>>> it,
>>>>> It
>>>>> creates
>>>>> a
>>>>> fixed
>>>>> network
>>>>> using
>>>>> vlan
>>>>> which
>>>>> I
>>>>> am
>>>>> not
>>>>> using
>>>>> for
>>>>> internal
>>>>> networks.
>>>>> >>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>
>>>>> When
>>>>> I
>>>>> create
>>>>> a
>>>>> a
>>>>> vxlan
>>>>> Network
>>>>> and
>>>>> use
>>>>> it
>>>>> in
>>>>> the
>>>>> cluster
>>>>> creation,
>>>>> It
>>>>> fails.
>>>>> Is
>>>>> there
>>>>> a
>>>>> trick
>>>>> around
>>>>> this
>>>>> ?
>>>>> >>>>>>
>>>>> Regards
>>>>> >>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>
>>>>> Tony
>>>>> Karera
>>>>> >>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>
>>>>> On
>>>>> Fri,
>>>>> Aug
>>>>> 20,
>>>>> 2021
>>>>> at
>>>>> 9:00
>>>>> AM
>>>>> feilong
>>>>> <feilong at catalyst.net.nz
>>>>> <mailto:feilong at catalyst.net.nz>>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>>> Oooh,
>>>>> are
>>>>> you
>>>>> using
>>>>> Swarm?
>>>>> I
>>>>> don't
>>>>> think
>>>>> that
>>>>> driver
>>>>> is
>>>>> well
>>>>> maintained.
>>>>> I
>>>>> didn't
>>>>> see
>>>>> any
>>>>> interest
>>>>> in
>>>>> the
>>>>> last
>>>>> 4
>>>>> years
>>>>> since
>>>>> I
>>>>> involved
>>>>> in
>>>>> the
>>>>> Magnum
>>>>> project.
>>>>> If
>>>>> there
>>>>> is
>>>>> no
>>>>> specific
>>>>> reason,
>>>>> I
>>>>> would
>>>>> suggest
>>>>> go
>>>>> for
>>>>> k8s.
>>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>>> On
>>>>> 20/08/21
>>>>> 5:08
>>>>> pm,
>>>>> Mohammed
>>>>> Naser
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>>> Please
>>>>> keep
>>>>> replies
>>>>> on
>>>>> list
>>>>> so
>>>>> others
>>>>> can
>>>>> help
>>>>> too.
>>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>>> I
>>>>> don’t
>>>>> know
>>>>> how
>>>>> well
>>>>> tested
>>>>> the
>>>>> Swarm
>>>>> driver
>>>>> is
>>>>> at
>>>>> this
>>>>> point.
>>>>> I
>>>>> believe
>>>>> most
>>>>> Magnum
>>>>> users
>>>>> are
>>>>> using
>>>>> it
>>>>> for
>>>>> Kubernetes
>>>>> only.
>>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>>> On
>>>>> Fri,
>>>>> Aug
>>>>> 20,
>>>>> 2021
>>>>> at
>>>>> 1:05
>>>>> AM
>>>>> Karera
>>>>> Tony
>>>>> <tonykarera at gmail.com
>>>>> <mailto:tonykarera at gmail.com>>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> >>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>
>>>>> Hello
>>>>> Naser,
>>>>> >>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>
>>>>> Please
>>>>> check
>>>>> below.
>>>>> >>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>
>>>>> openstack
>>>>> coe
>>>>> cluster
>>>>> template
>>>>> create
>>>>> swarm-cluster-template1
>>>>> \
>>>>> >>>>>>>>
>>>>> --image
>>>>> fedora-atomic-latest
>>>>> \
>>>>> >>>>>>>>
>>>>> --external-network
>>>>> External_1700\
>>>>> >>>>>>>>
>>>>> --dns-nameserver
>>>>> \
>>>>> >>>>>>>>
>>>>> --master-flavor
>>>>> m1.small
>>>>> \
>>>>> >>>>>>>>
>>>>> --flavor
>>>>> m1.small
>>>>> \
>>>>> >>>>>>>>
>>>>> --coe
>>>>> swarm
>>>>> >>>>>>>>
>>>>> openstack
>>>>> coe
>>>>> cluster
>>>>> create
>>>>> swarm-cluster
>>>>> \
>>>>> >>>>>>>>
>>>>> --cluster-template
>>>>> swarm-cluster-template
>>>>> \
>>>>> >>>>>>>>
>>>>> --master-count
>>>>> 1
>>>>> \
>>>>> >>>>>>>>
>>>>> --node-count
>>>>> 2
>>>>> \
>>>>> >>>>>>>>
>>>>> --keypair
>>>>> Newkey
>>>>> >>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>
>>>>> Regards
>>>>> >>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>
>>>>> Tony
>>>>> Karera
>>>>> >>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>
>>>>> On
>>>>> Fri,
>>>>> Aug
>>>>> 20,
>>>>> 2021
>>>>> at
>>>>> 7:03
>>>>> AM
>>>>> Mohammed
>>>>> Naser
>>>>> <mnaser at vexxhost.com
>>>>> <mailto:mnaser at vexxhost.com>>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>
>>>>> What
>>>>> does
>>>>> your
>>>>> cluster
>>>>> template
>>>>> and
>>>>> cluster
>>>>> create
>>>>> command
>>>>> look
>>>>> like?
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>
>>>>> On
>>>>> Fri,
>>>>> Aug
>>>>> 20,
>>>>> 2021
>>>>> at
>>>>> 12:59
>>>>> AM
>>>>> Karera
>>>>> Tony
>>>>> <tonykarera at gmail.com
>>>>> <mailto:tonykarera at gmail.com>>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> Hello
>>>>> Wang,
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> Thanks
>>>>> for
>>>>> the
>>>>> feedback.
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> Unfortunately
>>>>> Octavia
>>>>> is
>>>>> not
>>>>> deployed
>>>>> in
>>>>> my
>>>>> environment
>>>>> (at
>>>>> least
>>>>> not
>>>>> yet)
>>>>> and
>>>>> LB
>>>>> is
>>>>> not
>>>>> enabled
>>>>> on
>>>>> either
>>>>> the
>>>>> cluster
>>>>> template
>>>>> or
>>>>> the
>>>>> cluster
>>>>> itself.
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> Regards
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> Tony
>>>>> Karera
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> On
>>>>> Fri,
>>>>> Aug
>>>>> 20,
>>>>> 2021
>>>>> at
>>>>> 6:52
>>>>> AM
>>>>> feilong
>>>>> <feilong at catalyst.net.nz
>>>>> <mailto:feilong at catalyst.net.nz>>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> Hi
>>>>> Karera,
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> It's
>>>>> probably
>>>>> a
>>>>> bug.
>>>>> If
>>>>> you
>>>>> do
>>>>> have
>>>>> Octavia
>>>>> deployed,
>>>>> can
>>>>> you
>>>>> try
>>>>> to
>>>>> not
>>>>> disable
>>>>> the
>>>>> LB
>>>>> and
>>>>> see
>>>>> how
>>>>> it
>>>>> goes?
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> On
>>>>> 20/08/21
>>>>> 4:18
>>>>> pm,
>>>>> Karera
>>>>> Tony
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> Hello
>>>>> Team,
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> I
>>>>> deployed
>>>>> Openstack
>>>>> Wallby
>>>>> on
>>>>> Ubuntu20
>>>>> and
>>>>> enabled
>>>>> Magum,
>>>>> however
>>>>> when
>>>>> I
>>>>> create
>>>>> a
>>>>> cluster
>>>>> I
>>>>> get
>>>>> the
>>>>> error
>>>>> below.
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> Status
>>>>> Reason
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> ERROR:
>>>>> Property
>>>>> error:
>>>>> :
>>>>> resources.api_lb.properties:
>>>>> :
>>>>> Property
>>>>> allowed_cidrs
>>>>> not
>>>>> assigned
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> Can
>>>>> someone
>>>>> advise
>>>>> on
>>>>> where
>>>>> I
>>>>> could
>>>>> be
>>>>> wrong.
>>>>> Btw,
>>>>> I
>>>>> disabled
>>>>> load
>>>>> balancer
>>>>> while
>>>>> creating
>>>>> the
>>>>> cluster.
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> Regards
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> Tony
>>>>> Karera
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> --
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> Cheers
>>>>> &
>>>>> Best
>>>>> regards,
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> Feilong
>>>>> Wang
>>>>> (王飞龙)
>>>>> (he/him)
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> Head
>>>>> of
>>>>> Research
>>>>> &
>>>>> Development
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> Catalyst
>>>>> Cloud
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> Aotearoa's
>>>>> own
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> Mob:
>>>>> +64
>>>>> 21
>>>>> 0832
>>>>> 6348
>>>>> |
>>>>> www.catalystcloud.nz
>>>>> <http://www.catalystcloud.nz>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> Level
>>>>> 6,
>>>>> 150
>>>>> Willis
>>>>> Street,
>>>>> Wellington
>>>>> 6011,
>>>>> New
>>>>> Zealand
>>>>> <https://www.google.com/maps/search/150+Willis+Street,+Wellington+6011,+New+Zealand?entry=gmail&source=g>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> NOTICE:
>>>>> This
>>>>> email
>>>>> is
>>>>> intended
>>>>> for
>>>>> the
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>>>>> recipients
>>>>> only.
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>>>>> information.
>>>>> If
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>>>>> If
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>>>>> received
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>>>>> please
>>>>> reply
>>>>> via
>>>>> email
>>>>> or
>>>>> call
>>>>> +64
>>>>> 21
>>>>> 0832
>>>>> 6348.
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>
>>>>> --
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>
>>>>> Mohammed
>>>>> Naser
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>
>>>>> Inc.
>>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>>> --
>>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>>> Mohammed
>>>>> Naser
>>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>>> Inc.
>>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>>> --
>>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>>> Cheers
>>>>> &
>>>>> Best
>>>>> regards,
>>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>>> Feilong
>>>>> Wang
>>>>> (王飞龙)
>>>>> (he/him)
>>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>>> Head
>>>>> of
>>>>> Research
>>>>> &
>>>>> Development
>>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>>> Catalyst
>>>>> Cloud
>>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>>> Aotearoa's
>>>>> own
>>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>>> Mob:
>>>>> +64
>>>>> 21
>>>>> 0832
>>>>> 6348
>>>>> |
>>>>> www.catalystcloud.nz
>>>>> <http://www.catalystcloud.nz>
>>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>>> Level
>>>>> 6,
>>>>> 150
>>>>> Willis
>>>>> Street,
>>>>> Wellington
>>>>> 6011,
>>>>> New
>>>>> Zealand
>>>>> <https://www.google.com/maps/search/150+Willis+Street,+Wellington+6011,+New+Zealand?entry=gmail&source=g>
>>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>>> NOTICE:
>>>>> This
>>>>> email
>>>>> is
>>>>> intended
>>>>> for
>>>>> the
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>>>>> recipients
>>>>> only.
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>>>>> information.
>>>>> If
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>>>>> are
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>>>>> the
>>>>> named
>>>>> recipient,
>>>>> any
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>>>>> copying
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>>>>> is
>>>>> unauthorised.
>>>>> If
>>>>> you
>>>>> have
>>>>> received
>>>>> this
>>>>> email
>>>>> in
>>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>>> error,
>>>>> please
>>>>> reply
>>>>> via
>>>>> email
>>>>> or
>>>>> call
>>>>> +64
>>>>> 21
>>>>> 0832
>>>>> 6348.
>>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> >>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>
>>>>> --
>>>>> >>>>>
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> >>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>
>>>>> >>>>>
>>>>> Syed
>>>>> Ammad
>>>>> Ali
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> --
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> >>>
>>>>> Syed
>>>>> Ammad
>>>>> Ali
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
>>>>> --
>>>>> >
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
>>>>> Syed
>>>>> Ammad
>>>>> Ali
>>>>> --
>>>>> Mohammed
>>>>> Naser
>>>>> Inc.
>>>>> --
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Syed
>>>>> Ammad
>>>>> Ali
>>>>> --
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Syed Ammad Ali
>>>>> --
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Syed Ammad Ali
>>>> <29a37aff-f1f6-46b3-8541-887491c6cfe8-k8s-cluster3-dcu52bgzpbuu-kube_masters-ocfrn2ikpcgd-0-32tmkqgdq7wl-master_config-gihyfv3wlyzd.log>
>>>> <6fca39b1-8eda-4786-8424-e5b04434cce7-k8s-cluster3-dcu52bgzpbuu-kube_cluster_config-aht4it6p7wfk.log>
>>> --
>>> Regards,
>>> Syed Ammad Ali
>>> --
>>> Regards,
>>> Syed Ammad Ali
>> --
>> Cheers & Best regards,
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Feilong Wang (王飞龙) (he/him)
>> Head of Research & Development
>> Catalyst Cloud
>> Aotearoa's own
>> Mob: +64 21 0832 6348 | www.catalystcloud.nz <http://www.catalystcloud.nz>
>> Level 6, 150 Willis Street, Wellington 6011, New Zealand
>> CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This email is intended for the named recipients only.
>> It may contain privileged, confidential or copyright information. If you are
>> not the named recipient, any use, reliance upon, disclosure or copying of this
>> email or its attachments is unauthorised. If you have received this email in
>> error, please reply via email or call +64 21 0832 6348.
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --
> Cheers & Best regards,
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Feilong Wang (王飞龙) (he/him)
> Head of Research & Development
> Catalyst Cloud
> Aotearoa's own
> Mob: +64 21 0832 6348 | www.catalystcloud.nz <http://www.catalystcloud.nz>
> Level 6, 150 Willis Street, Wellington 6011, New Zealand
> CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This email is intended for the named recipients only.
> It may contain privileged, confidential or copyright information. If you are
> not the named recipient, any use, reliance upon, disclosure or copying of this
> email or its attachments is unauthorised. If you have received this email in
> error, please reply via email or call +64 21 0832 6348.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cheers & Best regards,
Feilong Wang (王飞龙) (he/him)
Head of Research & Development
Catalyst Cloud
Aotearoa's own
Mob: +64 21 0832 6348 | www.catalystcloud.nz
Level 6, 150 Willis Street, Wellington 6011, New Zealand
CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This email is intended for the named recipients only.
It may contain privileged, confidential or copyright information. If you are
not the named recipient, any use, reliance upon, disclosure or copying of this
email or its attachments is unauthorised. If you have received this email in
error, please reply via email or call +64 21 0832 6348.
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